It's Labor Day weekend which is normally seen as the end of summer. I feel like our summer ended a few weeks ago when the boys went back to school, but I am really enjoying the break from just about everything this 3 day weekend. We're having a both productive and fun weekend, my favorite kind!
Last week I told you I had meals planned for this weekend, but I got really overwhelmed which leads to me being lazy so we have been eating junk food all weekend. I know I will pay for it this week, but it's nice to take the weekend off. I'm bumping all the meals I had planned for this weekend to next week. I should have very little food shopping to do this week, which is nice because I will be losing my Monday morning alone time since no one has school or work tomorrow.
I also have a ton of veggies to use from our CSA! My in-laws also get a bag each week and they are on vacation so I have about half of their bag as well as my own. Thankfully we are starting to get a lot of squash which will keep for a few weeks so I'll hold on to those. Some of the things that I have to use up soon include tomatoes, zucchini, eggplants & basil. We have gotten so much basil since it's been so humid, I don't know what to do with it all. We have a ton of pesto sauce frozen, I guess we'll be eating a lot of that this winter.
Here's what we'll be eating this week:
Monday - Frozen appetizers or sandwiches
Tuesday - Homemade Tomato Soup & Grilled Cheese (soup didn't get made last week)
Wednesday - Homemade Taco Hamburger Helper
Thursday - Pork Chops in Mushroom Soup & Pierogies
Friday - Lasagna Pepper Boats
Saturday - Crispy Parmesan Chicken & Zucchini
Sunday - Italian Turkey Zoodle Bake
Water Flavor - Lemon & Basil
Food Prep - Not a lot going on this weekend. I honestly have so much else that I need to do between today and tomorrow, plus trying to squeeze in a movie night and a trip to COSI, that I don't think I'll have a lot of time. The water is set up, melons are cut up for snacks and my food list is made. I plan to hard boil some eggs and make some protein ranch dressing so I'm ready for lunches for the week. Other than that, I'll be holding my breath that I get all of these meals made during another busy week!
As always, I'm linking up with Laura at Mommy, Run Fast.
Go check out the other blogs on the link up for some more yummy
recipes! Have a great week!!
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