Monday, July 7, 2014

Keeping Up With...Family (Vacation - Part 5)

It has taken me three weeks to finish this recap up, but this is the final part.  If you missed any of the beginning, you can check out Part 1 and Part 2 and Part 3 and Part 4.

So Friday morning, we got up and it was pouring rain again.  I was actually excited to see rain this morning because it meant we made the right decision to pull up the tent and bunk with friends.  The downside of the rain was that our plans were cancelled for the day and we only had plans for later in the evening.  We went back & forth about what to do and decided we should just head back to Ohio.  I was upset because it meant missing out on seeing one of my friends, but we had nothing to do for like 8 hours so it was the right decision.

We took our time getting ready and headed out around 9:30.  As we started to drive, the rain stopped and it started to clear up.  I brought up the fact that Six Flags was on our way home and maybe we could kill a few hours there, then still meet up with Kim & Tom for dinner.  We decided to head that way, but if the weather got worse, to get on the highway and head home.

The weather held out so we went back to Great Adventure for the third time during our trip.  So glad we got season passes!!  We had a blast riding our favorite rides and a few we missed out on during the week.  We stayed until about 3:00, just as it was starting to get very hot and crowded we left.  It was probably the best weather we had at the park and I'm so glad we made the last minute decision to do it!
Once (or four) more time on the frog hopper!
Selfie after AJ & I rode El Toro for the 3rd time
Zak & I on "the horses"

Last ride of the trip - sky ride!
After we finished up at the park, we headed out to Kim and Tom's house for dinner.  We had such a great time visiting with them and our kids played really well together.  We ordered a ton of Chinese food for dinner and it was like a little in home buffet.  Zak hit the wall pretty quickly though, so we headed out around 8:00 and drove as far as we could into PA (about 2 hours).  We stopped for the night at a hotel and resumed our trip in the morning.  We got home in time for dinner on Saturday and spent the rest of the weekend unpacking and doing 10 loads of laundry!

All in all, it was a trip of extremes.  For the most part, it was amazing.  We had a blast seeing family and friends and playing at Great Adventure.  It had a few very low points, most of them things we couldn't control (damn weather!)  But the boys had a great time.  They are asking when we are going back to NJ (hopefully next summer) and when we are going camping again (never!)

Hope you enjoyed the recap of our trip.  And a special thanks to everyone in NJ who fed us, visited with us, gave us a place to dry off, let us stay over and spent time with us.  Hope to see you all again soon!!

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