Monday, February 10, 2014

Keeping Up With...Food (Menu 2/10 - 2/16)

Wow, last week was kind of a blur of sickness, parties and just trying to keep my head above water.  The cold I had really knocked me out.  Thankfully I had shopped for the week before it hit & we were able to keep with most of the menu.  I did bump one day in favor of soup & sandwiches from Panera.  Thanks to my parents for the gift card for Christmas!!

The one constant on my menu this week is going to be fruit salad.  We had a birthday party on Saturday & I made a huge bowl of it...then left it home.  So now I have to try to eat thru it all before it goes bad.  Luckily we do a lot of smoothies so I know I can freeze some of it and use it for that.  My young boys also have 2 play dates this week so I'll be bringing it to those as well.  
Doesn't it look good??  Just so much of it!

This is a busy week, so I'm doing some slow cooker and some precooked meals that I can just heat up.  I'm thankful that I planned & shopped for this week on Friday so I don't have to squeeze in a grocery trip too!

Here's my menu for this week (plus fruit salad with every meal):

Monday, 2/10 - Buffalo Chicken Quinoa Salad, Spinach Balls
Tuesday, 2/11 - Slow Cooker Beef Stew (Relish Recipe)
Wednesday, 2/12 - BBQ Chicken Pizza (Relish Recipe)
Thursday, 2/13 - Spaghetti Pie - will sub out spaghetti squash for the pasta & cook on Weds so I can just heat it up
Friday, 2/14 - Stuffed Peppers - We actually have a sitter & are going out this night!!  We decided to skip dinner out & do a movie & dessert instead.
Saturday, 2/15 - Sausage Beans & Greens Soup - hoping to cook this Friday, but we'll see how it goes
Sunday, 2/16 - Leftovers for the guys, I am going out for dinner with my book club

I'm linking up with Laura at Mommy, Run Fast & Jill at Fitness, Health and Happiness.  Go check them out for some more yummy recipes!

What's on your menu this week?
Any Valentine's Day plans??

1 comment:

  1. Mmm, spaghetti pie with spaghetti squash, great idea!! Hope this is a better week!
