We are at the tail end of spring break here and we've had both a relaxing and productive week off from school. We have one more day off (Monday) although we still have some commitments that day and then our regular schedule picks up. All three boys will have soccer practices and games this week and every week for the next 6-8 weeks. It will be busy and feel like a marathon to get to the end of May, but it will also be fun. I'm hoping the weather will start to cooperate and warm up and stop raining so much! We need some outside time soon!
Last week I mostly kept to the meal plan until the end of the week. Then Adrian and I realized we had a lot of leftovers and a lot to do and wanted to have some fun watching movies and playing games with the boys. So we decided to just eat what we had on Friday and Saturday and move our planned meals to this coming week. Our eating wasn't super healthy last week, but boy was it tasty! This week we are getting our butts in gear and will be eating healthy for the next 5 weeks. That will take us to Adrian's birthday and Mother's Day which will mean we take a weekend off. Then I'm hoping to get right back to it for another big push before all of our summer activities.
This week is kind of thrown together from things I know I already have the ingredients for and things that sound good and healthy. We have a bunch of veggies to use up so I may swap out one of these meals for salads, but I also want to have those for lunches and a girl can only eat so much salad. I'm hoping to do very little grocery shopping this week and next and use up everything that we have. This week the focus is on the two carryover recipes from last week and using up all of the ham that I'm making tomorrow for Easter.
Here's what we're eating this week:
Sunday - Happy Easter! It's only the 5 of us so it's a small meal for us. I'm doing a ham in the instant pot (probably slow cooking it), roasted potatoes, asparagus and green beans.
Monday - Chicken Taco Casserole - I'm making this tomorrow so we only have to heat it up
Tuesday- Taco Tuesday!
Wednesday - Fish Tacos (carry over from last week)
Thursday - Ham & Broccoli Rice Skillet - using up the ham from Sunday
Friday - Ham & Kale Soup - using up the ham from Sunday
Saturday - Steaks on the grill with whatever veggies need to be used up
Water Flavor - Pear. I made this last week and it's delicious! I think I really need some sweet flavors after all of that citrus the past few months.
Overnight Oats - We took the week from these last week and it was nice but I was also hungry earlier and more often all week. Then again, I was really far off my normal eating so that could have been why I was so hungry. We'll be back to these this week and I'm planning on chocolate with butterscotch chips, peanut butter with chocolate chips and apple cinnamon. If we need more, I'll use some of the flavored yogurts that I have.
Lunches - Salads all week as part of the refocus and part of the use up the veggies before they turn plan.
Use it Up - Eat all of the veggies before they go bad! I overbought and then we started eating poorly so we have a full fridge and need to use them up ASAP.
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