I decided I was going to do a circuit for the first week and see how it went. She gave me some ideas for a circuit but I wanted to do it a little more like a TBC class I used to take a few years ago. I set up four stations - core, arms, legs & cardio. Each station had an exercise that you did for a minute. We went around two times then took a few minutes break while I introduced the next set of exercises. We were able to get around three times (so 6 different exercises) plus a nice warm up and cool down. It was SO much fun to teach this class!! I really enjoyed it. I'd like to teach something like it in the
Other than that, this was a pretty standard week for me work out wise. I taught my classes & did very little else. I had a bunch of rest days as well thanks to the 4th of July holiday. We are starting to swim a lot so that is good for different exercise for me. Here's how my week looked:
Wednesday - Taught a one hour Zumba class
Thursday - Taught 3 classes - one hour of Zumba (am), one hour of TBC (am) & one hour of Cardio Dance (pm). I also went swimming with the boys for about 3 hours. I was tired!!
Friday - Taught a one hour Zumba class
Saturday - Taught a one hour Zumba Toning class
Sunday - Rest day, practiced 2 new Zumba songs for about 15 minutes to keep the streak going.
Monday - Active rest day. Walked & stood for about an hour for a parade in the morning & practiced my new Zumba songs for about 15 minutes
Tuesday - Another rest day. The boys were all tired & sick that morning so I got a sub for my Silver Sneaker class and we had a lazy day. I practiced my 2 new Zumba songs for about 10 minutes to keep my streak going.
I forgot to weigh in yesterday morning, mostly because I forgot it was Weds since my week has been messed up from the holiday weekend. I wasn't going to weigh in because I ate pretty badly this weekend and wasn't super active so I was honestly expecting a gain. Then I didn't get a chance to finish this post yesterday so I decided to weigh in when I woke up this morning. And I was shocked to see I maintained from last week!! That is really my goal until mid-Aug when the kids go back to school and I can work out a little more consistently.
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