Monday, January 5, 2015

Keeping Up With...Workouts (2015 Goals & Baselines)

I shared my goals for 2015 over the weekend.  While I have goals in a few different areas, fitness goals are a big part of them.  I thought I'd talk a little more about them today, then going forward I will switch this post to be on Weds because I prefer to weigh in on Weds.  I will talk about what I did the week before and how the weekly goals are going.  I'm not going to recap my week this week because I honestly didn't do much last month week.

Here are my fitness specific goals for the next year and what I have done or plan to do to accomplish them:
1. Continue teaching at least 6 Zumba classes each week.  I have 7 on my schedule right now and I'm super excited about it!!  It looks like I may miss a class tomorrow morning since we're supposed to get back weather.  At least I should still hit 6 for this week.

2.  Finally get under 200 lbs.  I finally weighed in this morning and I'm at 225, up 5 lbs since mid-Nov.  Not horrible considering I've eaten mostly cookies, chips, carbs & processed food in those 6 weeks.  My BFHG (big fat hairy goal) is to lose 52 lbs this year, one pound per week.  That would get me to 173.  I can't even remember the last time I weighed that little.  I'm encouraged that even if I lose 1/2 lb each week I'll still get under 200 by the end of the year.  It's happening!

3.  Get at least 2 new certifications and start teaching new classes.  I signed up for Zumba toning and YMCA training this weekend.  Yay!!  I plan to take as much training thru the YMCA as I can.  I am also seriously considering Zumba Gold and Silver Sneakers as they are huge areas here and will continue to be with our aging population.

4.  Attend at least 4 Zumba jams this year.  I signed up for one in February already!

5.  Attend at least 2 classes other than mine each week.  I have 13 possible classes on my schedule that I can attend this week.  I'm hoping at least 2 work out.  I have 3 or 4 classes that I could go to but get there late, so for this goal I'm going to count anything over 45 minutes as a class.

6.  Do at least 10 minutes of strength training at home 5 days each week.  I'm already going to change this plan.  I just want to do 10 minutes of strength training whether in a class or at home.  Today I did 15 minutes of Plyometrics class so I'm counting that towards the goal this week.  If I know I won't make a strength class, then I'll do kickboxing at home.

7.  Do at least 60 minutes of yoga or pilates each week.  My only shot at this for the week is a 9:30 PiYo class on Friday.  I'm going to do everything it takes to get there for it!

8.  Continue doing the Sisterhood of the Shrinking Jeans monthly calendar.  I've completed days 1-5 of the squat and pushup challenge they are hosting this month.  I'm also doing their year long challenge called A Year of Small Changes.  I'm excited about this one as well.  This week our challenge is to drink 1/2 our weight in water every day.  I'm tracking my water for the first time in a long time.  I'll report out how I did next week.

For those wondering how I did with the TerraFit challenge that I was doing for the holidays...epic fail!  I did great for the first month, then we were hit with sickness, holiday stress, husband working overtime, sickness, cookies, holiday stress, etc.  My eating & exercising pretty much went out the window.  But that's done now and I'm looking forward.  Here's to a great, healthy & fit 2015!!

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