Tuesday, May 6, 2014

Keeping Up With...Family (Sports, Art & Outside!)

Last week was a pretty typical week for us.  I had a little bit of a break on Monday and Tuesday because Adrian was home from work sick so I got to do a few things without dragging Zak along with me.  I was able to do all my grocery shopping Monday morning while the big boys were at school and that made it a surprisingly easy week.  Maybe I need to start doing all my shopping on Sundays instead of trying to do it throughout the week with the kids.

Monday AJ had a fun day at school, COSI on wheels came to do an assembly.  He was so excited to tell me about how they tried to make a thunderstorm in the gym.  He also did an experiment about what things would float in the wind and which wouldn't.  Thanks to the PTO for putting on such a great day!  AJ also got to leave school early that day because he and Daniel had their routine dentist appointment.  The dentist said their teeth looked great and no one has any cavities, yay!! 

Tuesday Daniel started his next adventure, art classes.  He loves doing crafts at school and at home so when I saw a friend was teaching classes for preschoolers, I looked into enrolling him.  It's a mommy & me class so I get to work on the projects with him.  Last week we made texture drawings with paint, sponges & stencils.  The other boy in the class has a 2 year old sister, so it's also a play date for Zak, yay!!
Daniel's art work
Wednesday AJ had his last hockey class for this session and they played a 5 on 5 game the whole time.  He LOVED it!!  He wants to keep playing, but will take the next 10 week session off to focus on tee ball and the end of the school year.  He really wants to start league play, but we feel he needs a few more sessions of learning the basics.  He'll be back to it mid-summer.

Saturday AJ and Daniel played their first tee ball game.  They are both (thankfully) on the same team this year, the Reds.  They have been having fun with practices and are getting pretty good at catching and throwing.  They both had a fun time at the game (they don't keep score in this league) and did such a great job of trying their best that they got the game balls!
Zachary had a great time all weekend playing outside.  He is obsessed with lawn mowers and whenever anyone in the neighborhood is mowing, Zak is watching.  He especially loves when Daddy mows.  He also loves chasing bubbles, swinging and continuing to learn how to ride his bike.  He will even go outside and play by himself now for a short while, although he prefers when someone is out there with him.  This is the boys' new favorite game, AJ & Daniel push Zak in his swing.  They all crack up while they do it.

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