Happy Father's Day!! Hope all of you Dads are enjoying your day today!
Last week went mostly to plan, even though the plan was super easy. We did order pizza one night because it was a fundraiser for our church's VBS program. So I didn't make one dinner which will be pushed to this week. Also as I'm typing this, I'm unsure if we will get to BBQ for Father's day tonight or not. Daniel has a baseball tournament and depending on how his team does, we may end up at the field all night.
This week is another busy week for us with VBS for Zak, Minecraft camp for AJ and Daniel and lots of extra classes that I am subbing. Plus Adrian will probably be working some overtime. I'm trying to keep meals healthy, simple and also have leftovers for lunches for Adrian. It was not easy to plan the menu this week. There is a good chance I will either have to cook something else during the week for his lunches or he will have to eat out at least one day. My lunches will all be on the run as well so I'm stocking up on stuff for salads and sandwiches.
Here's what we're eating this week:
Monday - Chicken Salad - I made this last week but we didn't eat it all and since I'll be out most of the night, it's a good time to finish it up
Tuesday - Taco Tuesday!
Wednesday - Skillet Beef and Celery - carry over from last week
Thursday - Thai Chicken Salad
Friday - Pakistani Kimi
Saturday - Summer Shrimp over Zoodles
Sunday - Grilled steaks with potatoes and veggies - I'm out all day at Zumba events so I'll arrive home hungry and tired. Easy dinner for Adrian to make while here with the boys.
Water Flavor - Orange since I still have some leftover from the bag my mother in law gave me for free
Overnight oats - I have 2 days worth set up already that are leftover from last week. They are Banana Chocolate Chip. I need to restock all of my ingredients and will set more up either Mon or Tues night for the rest of the week. I'll be setting up Original, Chocolate Peanut Butter and Apple Cinnamon. Next weekend when I have a little more time to breathe and plan, I will be looking for at least one new flavor to try.
Clean it out challenge - This week I didn't focus a lot of this since again I didn't have a lot of time to breathe or plan the past few days. I'm using up a bunch of celery that needs to be used on Weds and some frozen sugar snap peas on Friday. I'm using up the open bottle of wheat germ in our overnight oats since I used up all of our flaxseed. Next weekend I will take an inventory of our fridges and start there to use things up.
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