Since this week was jam packed with fun, I split it into three parts. You can read part 1 here if you missed what we did over the weekend. Come back later this week for part 3!
Monday (6/12) was the first day of Cub Scout Day Camp. We got up super early to be at the meeting place by 7:15am and Daniel came into our room with his eye crusted shut. I knew it was pink eye. Thankfully Adrian was able to take the day off (and work some from home) so AJ, Zak and I could still go to camp. We arrived early and I was a little overwhelmed with all of the activity, but also excited for the day. I dropped Zak off at the sibling circle and then walked with AJ's den for the day.
The morning had a bunch of short activities, some of them were needed for the rest of the week. We designed our den flag, came up with our chant, weighed and measured each boy, identified some tracks and took our den picture. We finished up the morning with a presentation from COSI on wheels. We all enjoyed the demonstrations, especially them firing rockets into the air. After that, I picked up Zak from sibling circle and we all had lunch together. Zak also got to watch the COSI presentation and he loved it. He spent the rest of his morning playing in dirt, sand and with the toys in the sibling circle.
After lunch, we dropped Zak back off and I did my first hike down the hill. We stayed on the trail (Foxfire) instead of the road (Cardiac Hill) since it was super hot and sunny! We got down to the bottom and went creeking. This was the one thing I did not want to do, but I didn't have a choice when AJ asked me to go in with him. It was actually kind of fun, unless I thought about the fact that there were animals in the water with me. AJ didn't catch anything, but his den caught a bunch of fish and crawfish. It was nice and cool in the water as well so that was nice in the heat of the day. After creeking, we headed to the lake for some fishing. AJ got to make his own fishing pole and then fish with it. Again, he didn't catch anything (no one really did) but he had fun.
We finished up at the lake and did our first hike up the hill, Foxfire again. It was hard. Not as bad as I was expecting, but we were all hot and tired. But I was proud that all of the boys made it with very little complaining. I picked up Zak from sibling circle to find out he went on a nature hike, saw some animals and went in a creek. He loved his first day!! We got back to the car and were very happy for cold water and air conditioning!
We got home and Daniel was doing much better. He had been given the OK to go to camp the next day. He did have his last baseball game of the season that night, but he missed it to rest and let his eye recover. We had an easy dinner of leftovers, restocked our packs and headed up for an early bedtime. It was an amazing but exhausting day!!
Tuesday (6/13) We got up early again for day 2 of day camp and Daniel's eye was just about back to normal so he got to join us for the day. I decided to walk with his den the whole day just to keep an eye on him and his eye (plus he had a fun schedule for the day!) We got to camp, dropped Zak off at the sibling circle, dropped AJ off to his den and got settled in with Daniel's den for the day. Unfortunately the day started with a severe thunderstorm coming thru the area so we had to seek shelter for about 30 minutes until the all clear was given.
When we finally got started, we headed to wood crafting. We had a great time making a penny hockey table together. My fingers took a little bit of a beating, but it was worth it. When we finished up there, we headed to the archery range, the thing Daniel was looking most forward to. We had a little more lightening so we had to stay inside for a history and safety lesson before getting out to shoot. Daniel had a blast using the bow and arrow and did pretty well once he got started, finishing up with two bulls eyes!
After archery, we ran back and grabbed Zak from sibling circle for lunch. We asked AJ to join us, but he wanted to stay with his friends. We had a nice lunch in the shade and found out that Zak had been playing with toys, blocks and sand all morning and was looking forward to his afternoon at the creek. We split up again after lunch and Daniel and I headed down cardiac hill for our STEM lessons. We made fingerprints using cocoa powder, explosions using Alka-Seltzer, name bracelets in Morse code and identified different powders. It was pretty neat and was in the shade which was awesome.
When we finished up with STEM, we headed to the lake for our rowing session. On our way there we saw Zak and the other siblings heading towards us to go to the creek. Daniel and I had a great time rowing around the lake. Well, he and the other scouts rowed around the lake. I sat in the back of the boat and enjoyed myself. We saw Zak again when he was done in the creek and he was so excited to see Daniel and I in a boat. When we finished up rowing, we headed back up the hill on Foxfire trail for the closing ceremony which was super quick because there was another thunderstorm headed our way and they wanted us on the road before it hit the area.
We got in the car and heard all about AJ and Zak's days. Zak loved hiking up and down the hill and being in the creek. He said it was the best time walking in the water and catching fish. AJ told us about what he did all day. He started at geocaching which didn't really work that well because the satellites were down. But he's super interested in learning more about it and hoping he can go caching with Dad soon. After that, they learned how to make a tent/shelter which he enjoyed and told me all about. After lunch, he had a troop meeting, which was basically introducing them to how a Boy Scout meet runs and what they will be doing as a Boy Scout. They also learned how to start a fire in this meeting, which was the highlight of AJ's day, especially since he made fire with flint and steel!
We hightailed it out of the park and didn't actually get too much rain. We stopped to pick up pizza for dinner since it was a fundraiser for our church and I knew I would be too exhausted to cook. We got home, ate pizza, restocked our packs for tomorrow and headed to bed. Daniel was especially exhausted, probably because he's still fighting off the infection from pink eye. He was falling asleep on the couch at like 7:30!
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