Friday (10/7) after our normal day we headed to the baseball field for AJ and Daniel's first game of the end of the season tournament. They started the game with the playing of the National Anthem, which I thought was pretty cool. We won a close one and will play again tomorrow for the championship.
Saturday (10/8) started bright and early for me when I headed to the school to help with the unloading of the trucks for our fall flower fundraiser. Adrian got all three boys ready for their sports for the day and we headed out for that. He took AJ and Daniel to baseball and Zak and I went to Zumba and soccer. The boys won again and were the champions for their baseball league this year. They each got a medal, trophy & game ball for all of their hard work this season. Way to go Cobras!
After a busy and active morning, we all met at home to regroup. We planned to head to Lynd's to do the corn maze, but we were all honestly worn out and decided we wanted to rest for the rest of the day. Adrian worked, I did house work and the three boys played. After dinner, we had a family movie night and watched "The Angry Birds Movie." It was kind of cute, but it didn't hold my attention very well. That could have been because I was exhausted. The boys loved it though so I consider it a win!
Sunday (10/9) was a fun filled family day! We started out at church together for the first time in a long time. Then we headed to swim lessons at the Y. It was our last class for this session. The boys all continue to improve and we are very proud of them. We will be taking the next session off because we just have too many other things we want to do for all of the upcoming holidays. We will start again in January.
After that we headed to Easton to grab lunch and Halloween costumes. We were going to go to Steak N Shake, but then I saw Red Robin and we changed our plan. The food was awesome!! The boys loved the bottomless fries. We filled our bellies and headed across the parking lot to Halloween City for the boys' costumes. They were pretty overwhelmed with all of the choices (especially Zak) but AJ and Daniel picked theirs out. Then Zak decided he wanted to do a similar one so now we have a theme. We are trick or treating for the first time next weekend so you'll have to come back next week to see what they decided!
After that we headed downtown for the big event, Peppa Pig Live!! I didn't even know this was happening until the past week and at the last minute we decided to get tickets for all of us. The boys were so excited! We all enjoyed the show, especially Zak and Daniel. AJ was a little disappointed that some of the characters were puppets instead of people dressing up like those characters, but he said it was good. Adrian & I enjoyed it, but we enjoyed seeing the joy on the boys' faces even more.
The blurry boys - "jumping in muddy puddles" |
Monday (10/10) was Columbus Day so Adrian was off. We thought about going out for a breakfast date but I ended up having to be in school for AJ's IEP meeting. After that we just spent the day finishing up all the stuff around the house that we didn't get to this weekend, including decorating for Halloween and making our food list for our camping trip this weekend.
Tuesday (10/11) was our only normal day for the week. Everyone went to school and work but when I picked Zak up from school his teacher told me he wasn't feeling well and had some green snot. So he and I went home and he rested for the rest of the day. AJ and Daniel joined Boy Scouts for this year and had their first meeting tonight. We tried to convince them not to do it since our schedule is really busy, but they really wanted to do it so we agreed. They both had a great meeting and got "homework" to do before their next meeting in 2 weeks.
Wednesday (10/12) Zak stayed home from school and hung out with me. He seems to be OK but he does have a lot of drainage from his nose and a bad cough so he'll be out today and tomorrow. We ran a few errands then relaxed in the afternoon. AJ had Brain Balance at night so I took Zak and Daniel to Meijer to get some camping supplies, spend some of their allowance and get a birthday gift for a friend for this weekend. Zak used his allowance to buy a Magic Track set, he's been wanting one since he saw the commercial. And Daniel used his allowance to buy some new Pokemon cards. We also got everyone new winter hats and gloves because it's supposed to be very cold Friday night while we're camping.

Thursday (10/13) Zak stayed home from school again and got to go to work with me. The older women that I teach in the morning loved how cute he was being. Very thankful for their understanding! We finished up shopping for our camping trip and headed home to rest for a while. Zak and I also had dentist appointments this afternoon. He did great & has no cavities! I have a cavity that I need to get filled, boo!
Thursday night Adrian took the three boys to Magic Mountain for a fundraiser for their school. I had to work and pick up their costumes for the weekend so I couldn't go with them. They had a great time playing mini golf, riding go carts, eating pizza, running around the play area and playing video games. They were there until after 9pm!! After they got home, we got the boys to bed and finally started trying to get ready to leave to go camping.

Then a funny thing happened. Well now it's funny. We had been trying to empty our deep freeze and defrost it. I finally got it emptied and unplugged on Wednesday. Thursday night Adrian went downstairs to freeze some water for us to use for the cooler and he found 6 bags of marinated meat in there! It had been covered in frost and we didn't know it was there. Thankfully it was still cold and sort of frozen. So I spent the next hour or so cooking the food so we can eat it next week. I didn't get to do anything to prep for camping. It was not fun at the time, but I'm sure I will be thankful not to have to cook at all next week!