Wednesday, November 27, 2019

Keeping up with...Family (Weekly Wrap 9/27 - 10/3)

Friday (9/27) I got a great night of sleep, but I was still so tired when I got up today.  It has been a long week and I still have a few long days ahead of me this weekend.  We were dragging this morning so we did not get AJ ready on time for his bus.  So I got him and Daniel ready and drove them to school for the day.  Adrian left for work for the day after helping me get them ready for school.  When I got home, I got Zak and myself ready for the day and headed into school for the day.  I was a floating sub in the kindergarten hallway so I was 3 different K teachers during the day.  It was a fun but exhausting day!!

When we got home, I tried to get a few things done around the house while the boys were playing, but I was so tired that I needed to sit down and rest for a bit.  Then I got ready and headed to church for the night for the leadership dinner for the women's conference.  We enjoyed a delicious meal together and then heard a great message from one of the speakers from "If. Then. Move." Since I was so worn out, I didn't want to go tonight but I am so glad I did!  It was great to fellowship with so many women from church and to learn and pray together too.  While I was at dinner, Adrian fed the boys and then they started Mary Poppins for family movie night.  When I came home, I watched the end with them.  No one was really a fan of the movie, which I'm not surprised about.  When the movie was over, we got the boys to bed and since I was tired and have an early morning tomorrow I decided to just head to bed as well.  This week was rough!!

Saturday (9/28) Today started bright and early since I had to be at the church for the women's conference.  I got there early and had an amazing day with 134 other women of God.  We laughed, cried, learned and hugged - a lot!!  It was am amazing time from the worship to the teaching to the fellowship.  I am so thankful that I was able to go and be there for the whole day to experience it!
While I was at the conference, Adrian held down the fort at the house.  He took Zak to his soccer game in the morning.  His team won and he played pretty well, although he struggled as the game went on since it was really hot.  After his game, they came home and did a few things around the house then they had lunch and packed up to head out to Zak's first Scout camp out of the year.  They headed up to Falling Rock and had a blast shooting BB guns, catching fish, making smores and hanging with the other Scouts.  I'm bummed I missed it, but so glad they had fun!
When I got home from the women's conference, I helped Daniel clean up a few things before two of his friends came over for a sleepover.  The four boys had fun playing with Nerf guns, video games, eating pizza and watching YouTube videos.  They also all enjoyed playing with Rocky all night.  I got a few things done around the house, specifically focusing on laundry.  But I was worn out from the week and the emotional day so I also spent a lot of time on the couch watching TV.  I finally gave up around 10:30 and went to bed.  The boys agreed to go to sleep at 1:00 so I set my alarm and got up at 1:30 and sure enough all 4 boys were asleep.  I'm thankful they are all such great kids!!

Sunday (9/29) The boys woke me up a little earlier than I wanted to get up because Rocky needed to go out and they couldn't find her leash.  After taking care of her, I cooked pancakes and breakfast for the 4 boys while they watched YouTube and played video games until their parents came to pick them up.  Soon after they left, Adrian and Zak got home from the camp out.  I'm so glad everyone had such a great weekend even if we were all split up for most of it!
After we all got home, we spent the whole day working around the house.  We got a ton done, including getting all of the dishes and laundry under control.  The boys also took some time to play video games and Adrian and I took some time to watch some of the good football games.  The day passed quickly and was a great mix of work and relaxing.  We had leftover pizza from last night for dinner so it was quick and easy.  After we got the boys thru their night routine and down for the night, Adrian and I watched the Cowboys game.  It was a good game but unfortunately it didn't go the way we wanted it to go.

Monday (9/30) Back to our normal routine today!  We all got up and moving on time this morning.  Adrian helped me get AJ and Daniel ready and then he headed into work for the day.  I dropped AJ and Daniel at school and then came home to get Zak and myself ready for the day.  We headed into school together since I was subbing this morning.  I had a half day and finished up right as Zak's class was heading to lunch.  He asked me to go eat with him in the cafeteria and I couldn't resist so I had lunch with him and his class.  As much as I hate eating in the cafeteria, it was fun to be in there as mom and he was so excited to have lunch with me!
After lunch, I headed home for a short time before heading back into school to sub the last 2 hours of the day.  When the day was over, we all headed home and after a short mental break, we started getting ready for our busy night.  I got everyone thru homework pretty quickly and then we all had dinner.  Adrian took Zak to soccer practice and then took AJ to Scouts.  It was super hot at soccer so he left a few minutes early so that Zak got a break and AJ got to Scouts close to on time.  While they were there, I went to the church to teach my Zumba class.  We had an awesome time and are excited to have the Halloween songs on the playlist for the month!  After we all got home, we got the boys thru their night routine and down for the night.  Then we finally had a chance to watch last week's "Survivor" before we headed to bed as well.

Tuesday (10/1) We got up and moving on time again today and got everyone out on time.  Adrian helped me get AJ up and on the bus before heading to work for the day.  I got Daniel ready and dropped off and then came back and got Zak ready and dropped off.  Then since today is my day off from subbing, I ran a few errands before heading to the YMCA to teach my Aqua Zumba class and then my Silver Sneakers class.  They were both great classes and we had a fun time!  After class I headed over to pick up AJ and Daniel from school so AJ can bring his baritone home without having to be crammed on the bus with it.

After we got home, I headed up to the other school to pick up Zak and then we got ready and headed to bowling.  Zak did great and had fun bowling this afternoon.  After bowling we headed home and all had tacos for dinner together.  Adrian ate quickly and then headed out to puppy preschool with Rocky.  When we all got home, we got the boys thru their night routine and down to bed for the night.  Rocky was exhausted after her big day so she passed out on the floor while Adrian and I had some snacks and watched a few comedies before heading to bed for the night.
Wednesday (10/2) We got up and moving on time again today.  Adrian helped me get AJ ready and on the bus before heading into work for the day.  I got Daniel ready and dropped him off at school and then came home and got Zak and myself ready.  We headed into school together for the day since I was called in to sub for the day.  I spent the day with some great 2nd graders and had an awesome day with them.  It passed quickly and before long it was time to head out for the night.  I quickly ran home to drop Zak off and pick Daniel up to head over to his school for his parent teacher conference.

I got two great reports from Daniel's teachers during his conferences and found out that he will be transitioning out of speech therapy since his speech has improved so much.  After the conferences, we went and picked up Marco's for dinner since it was a fundraiser night and finally headed home for the night.  We had dinner together and then finished up homework for the night.  Then the boys had some free time while I cleaned up a little around the house.  Before long it was time for the boys' night routine and then we started getting settled for bed.  Adrian came home while we were getting settled after a great night at Bible study.  After we got the boys to bed, we came down and finished a few things in the kitchen and then watched this weeks "Survivor" before heading to bed for the night.
Thursday (10/3) We got up and moving again on time today but just barely.  We were all moving slowly so AJ decided to take some time to relax and have me drive him instead of taking the bus to school this morning.  Adrian helped me get the boys ready and then headed into work while I drove AJ and Daniel to school.  Then I came home and got Zak and myself ready for the day.  We headed into school together because I was subbing for the day.  I had a great day with the kindergarteners and it passed quickly.  When we got home, I got everyone thru dinner and homework quickly before heading out to teach my Zumba class at the church.  I had an awesome class with the ladies and we got a great workout!  When I got home, it was time for the boys' night routine.  We got them settled for the night and headed back downstairs to watch a few comedies before heading to bed.  We were both exhausted and I'm so happy that we all have the day off tomorrow!!  Bring on the three day weekend!

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