Saturday, March 18, 2017

Keeping up with...Family (Weekly Wrap 3/10 - 3/16)

Friday (3/10) Daniel was feeling better so everyone went to school today.  I was subbing for another instructor so I headed to the Y to teach two Zumba classes while Adrian headed to a doctor's appointment, oil change and Dad's Day at Zak's school.  While he was at school, he did a super hero obstacle course with Zak including things like climbing thru webs, jumping over walls & diffusing bombs.  Then they had donuts together and Zak gave Adrian a few homemade gifts.  It was a fun morning for both of them!
Adrian headed to work for the afternoon while Zak and I hung out at home.  Then we picked up the other boys and we all headed to the Y so I could teach my barre class.  Adrian picked them all up from the Y and went to AJ's final soccer class for the session.  I finished up class then headed to the bar for dinner with some of my students.  It was a fun night out with them enjoying tacos and margaritas!!

Saturday (3/11) was the day AJ has been waiting for for like a month - his Webelos den went to the Microsoft store to learn how to use Kudo to code their own video games.  Adrian took him there in the morning and they had a great time.  AJ said it was the best day ever (as did a few other scouts in his troop).  While they were there, I took Daniel and Zak to the Y so I could take a dance fitness class.  Then the three of us went swimming for a while.  That was about all we had on the agenda today, which was nice after months of running like crazy.  We spent the afternoon watching TV, playing, doing laundry & catching up on stuff around the house.  Adrian and I finished the night with at home date night - a nice dinner and watching "Captain America - Winter Soldier."

Sunday (3/12) I hate Daylight Savings Time.  That is all for today.  OK, just kidding.  But it was a seriously rough day and I feel like I have a rough week ahead of me.  The kids were tired and cranky when they woke up so we decided to let them skip church.  Adrian went to the early service and I went to the late one to volunteer in childcare.  The rest of the day I tried to get things done around the house while Adrian worked on the boys' Pinewood Derby cars with them.  At least I got a lot done around the house and feel somewhat ready to face the week.

Monday (3/13) The time change still sucks.  I am so tired.  But thankfully the boys seem to be adjusting fine, everyone got up without any problems this morning & their behavior was normal.  Today was the first day of Zak's spring break so we got to sleep in a little later since we got to leave later.  Zak and I dropped AJ and Daniel off and then headed to Kroger for some grocery shopping before heading to Brickhouse to teach my first class of the day.  Then we came home and chilled on the couch.  We played games, watched TV and did a few puzzles.  We picked up the older boys and headed to the Y for class number two of the day for me.  After that we came home and ate healthy pancakes for dinner, which everyone loved - yay!  Then we did a few more puzzles, cleaned up and called it a night.  Adrian is still finishing up the Pinewood Derby cars, hopefully they will be ready for turn in tomorrow night.

Tuesday (3/14) I'm finally feeling normal after the time change!  And the boys still seem to be unaffected, yay.  We all got up and ready on time for drop off at school.  Zak and I ran to Aldi for some groceries and then went to teach my class.  After that we came home and hung out for a while then made lunch and dinner.  Zak enjoys helping me cook, especially when I make soup.  After that we picked up the other boys from school and they came home to play while I headed out to teach a Zumba class.  We finished up the night with Boy Scouts for AJ and Daniel where they turned in their Pinewood Derby cars.  They are ready to race on Saturday!
Wednesday (3/15) was another typical day for us.  I got AJ and Daniel to school and then Zak and I headed to Brickhouse so I could teach a Silver Sneakers class.  We also ran to Giant Eagle and Meijer to pick up a prescription.  I have forgotten how hard it is to get things done with a 5 year old with me!  When we got home we had lunch, played with Nerf guns and then Zak played some Super Mario while I got dinner ready.  We picked up the other boys and headed to the Y for my Zumba class.  Then we rushed home, ate dinner and I headed out to soccer with AJ and Daniel.  Zak was thankfully able to stay home with Adrian.  While I was gone, Adrian found a YouTube tutorial to fix our hot water heater so now we're holding our breath that it lasts a few more months years.  We finished up the night with some snacks and some TV, Survivor is back and we are loving it!
Thursday (3/16) was another fairly typical day, although the night got very busy.  Zak and I dropped off the other two boys and we headed to Target to get him new sneakers.  He was in desperate need and it was on the top of my priority list for this spring break week.  He picked the same Batman shoes that Daniel did and the two of them are so excited to have matching shoes.  We then headed to my Silver Sneakers class and a quick eye brow wax.  We got back and I was exhausted so we just chilled out all afternoon before walking to pick up the boys.  AJ had his final day of AIR testing until next month and he said it was very easy and thinks he did pretty well.  This month was English, next month is Math so I'm sure he'll ace that one as well.
After a quick dinner of pasta for everyone, we headed off in different directions for the night.  AJ and I headed to Brain Balance.  I dropped him off for his appointment and headed to Gigi's Cupcakes to get my first birthday freebie of the month.  I also grabbed a few quick groceries from Kroger then went back to pick him up.  Adrian took Daniel and Zak to Daniel's first baseball practice of the season.  He practices from 8-9pm which is brutal but we'll survive.  AJ and I met them there so we could go drop off my van to have the seat warmers fixed.  It was a very late night and were all exhausted when we got home!  After a quick snack and a few minutes of TV, we all headed to bed.

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