Monday, March 11, 2013

100 Mile March - Week 1

I'm still toying with what I'll call this weekly post, but for now it will be about the big challenge I have undertaken for March.  My goal is to walk 100 miles this month.  It has already been a huge challenge, but I'm pretty much on course for 100.  Of course today I had to take an unplanned rest day so now I have 3.3 miles to make up, but I have a 10K planned this weekend so hopefully I'll be back to even.

In addition to walking 100 miles, I'm also keeping up with all my classes at the gym, planking daily & doing 100-150 ab reps everyday.  I was doing the "Pushing Your Luck" challenge which was working towards 100 pushups this month, but my shoulder really started hurting when I did the push ups.  Not sure if I'm doing them wrong, or if I hurt my shoulder doing something else & using those muscles aggravates the injury, but something just isn't right.  So I have decided to leave that challenge & just focus on the others for now.

Here is a recap of my exercise & miles for the last week:
Monday - 50 minute Total Body Conditioning class, 50 minutes yoga, 5 miles of walking
Tuesday - 25 minutes spinning class (got called out for a dirty diaper), 2.1 miles of walking
Wednesday - 40 minutes Zumba class, 50 minutes yoga, 3.3 miles of walking
Thursday - 60 minutes Kick Boxing class, 4.2 miles of walking
Friday - 60 minutes Zumba class, 2 miles of walking
Saturday - 6 miles of walking with friends during my retreat
Sunday - rest day due to a stomach virus :(

Totals for 100 Mile March:
This week:  22.6 miles
This month:  29.6 miles

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