Sunday, February 7, 2016

Keeping Up With...Food (Menu Plan 2/8 - 2/14)

Last week didn't go anything like I planned because the stomach bug that I thought was over hit me like a ton of bricks.  I was basically out of commission Weds and Thurs.  Thankfully we had a lot of leftovers and fresh fruit and veggies so the guys survived while I was down.

This week is a marathon around here!  Both Zak (tomorrow) and Daniel (Weds) have birthdays.  We also have their party next weekend as well as my niece's party & one of Daniel's friend's party.  Plus throw in Valentine's Day and the Super Bowl and there is a lot of partying going on over here!  Then add in our normal life, plus a four day weekend for the boys so they are off on Friday.  And just for good measure we have a few doctor appointments and a preschool screening for Zak.  If I survive the next seven days & everyone gets where they need to be with everything they need it will be a miracle!

Our menu plan reflects this craziness.  It is a mix of easy meals, leftovers, take out and using up all the fresh veggies and meals I had planned for last week that I never got around to making.  Wish me luck!

Monday - Asian Crack Slaw with Sausage Egg Rolls in a Bowl - carry over from last week
Tuesday - Taco Tuesday
Wednesday - Buffalo Chicken Chili - carry over from last week
Thursday - Pizza Casserole
Friday - Jets Pizza (the boys request for their birthday)
Saturday - Leftovers (we have 2 parties this day)
Sunday - Leftovers (we have our party this day, plus church & swimming lessons)

Water Infuser Flavor - Strawberry/Lemon

I am doing some food prep this weekend.  I already set up my infused water for the week and cut up all the fruit I bought on Friday.  Today I am making chicken salad with the leftover chicken from last week's whole roast chicken and broccoli salad.  I'll eat both of those for lunch this week.  I am also hard boiling some eggs and possibly doing some of the prep for tomorrow's dinner. 

As always, I'm linking up with Laura at Mommy, Run Fast.  Go check out the other blogs on the link up for some more yummy recipes!  Have a great week!!  Enjoy the Super Bowl today!!

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