The day passed quickly as I worked, the boys played and Rocky slept. The boys did get some of their homework started so we have less to do this weekend since we'll be busy celebrating birthdays. After working around the house all day, I got ready for our evening activities. I headed out to the Y for my Zumba class. I had over 30 people in the class and we had a great, sweaty time dancing together!! While I was there, Adrian took Zak to his first basketball game. Unfortunately Zak pitched a fit and refused to play for most of the game. He knows we're upset with him and hopefully he'll play better next time. When we all got home, Adrian had to finish up some thing for work for the weekend and I finished cleaning up a few things around the house. We let the boys stay up a little later tonight since we can sleep in a little tomorrow and then eventually got them down to bed. Adrian and I had snacks, watched a comedy on our DVR and went to bed.
Saturday (2/8) Happy 8th Birthday Zak!!! We had a busy day on tap but still managed to squeeze in a lot of celebrating! We started with our normal Saturday routine. We were all up early to get ready to head out. Daniel was picked up and taken downtown for his art class while I got ready and headed to the church for my Zumba class. While I was there, Adrian headed to bowling with Zak where they celebrated with breakfast pizza and one of Zak's best games yet! Then they headed downtown to pick up David and Daniel and we all came home for lunch together.
After lunch, we played a few board games including Zak's pick of Machi Koro Legacy. I won this month's game and we are all curious how this game will evolve and change over the next few months. Then the boys had some video game time while Adrian and I got a few things done and got ready for the continuing birthday celebrations. In the afternoon, Adrian took AJ to his basketball game while I ran to Meijer to pick up a few things for the birthdays. AJ played well and continues to improve his skill, we're very proud of him for continuing to play and learn!
When they were done, they went and picked up Jets pizza for our dinner. We enjoyed our pizza together and then opened Zak's gifts. He got some new Beyblades, clothes, walkie talkies and a new video game. Then they went and played for a while before we came back together for Oreo ice cream cake. Then Adrian and I played a few board games while they played upstairs until bedtime. We let them stay up a little later to continue the birthday celebration. I hope Zak had an epic 8th birthday!!
Sunday (2/9) We all slept in a little today and then got up and moving to head to second service of church. When that was over, I headed straight to the Y to teach my barre class, which continues to get bigger every week, yay! We have moved out of the small studio and into the large group fitness room and are busting at the seams in there too. After class, I hustled back home to pack up the car and head to Gahanna Lanes for Zak's birthday party. We had about 10 kids come for the party and everyone had a great time! They bowled, played video games, enjoyed pizza, cupcakes and a giant cookie and laughed a lot! Zak said it was an "epic" birthday party and the best day!
Sunday (2/9) We all slept in a little today and then got up and moving to head to second service of church. When that was over, I headed straight to the Y to teach my barre class, which continues to get bigger every week, yay! We have moved out of the small studio and into the large group fitness room and are busting at the seams in there too. After class, I hustled back home to pack up the car and head to Gahanna Lanes for Zak's birthday party. We had about 10 kids come for the party and everyone had a great time! They bowled, played video games, enjoyed pizza, cupcakes and a giant cookie and laughed a lot! Zak said it was an "epic" birthday party and the best day!
When the party was over, we headed home to open all of Zak's presents from his friends. He got lots of Lego sets, Minecraft goodies and a few gift cards. He is super excited about everything! Then we spent a little bit of time trying to clean up the house and do our weekly stuff to be ready for the week. The night passed quickly and before long it was time to get the boys thru their night routine and down to bed. Then Adrian and I did a few more things around the house to be ready for the week and watched a few comedies before heading to bed too. It has been a great 3 day weekend, but all good things must come to an end. We are all worn out from all the fun and have more coming up this week. It was a great but exhausting weekend for sure!!
Monday (2/10) Happy 11th Birthday Daniel!! Unfortunately since we're back to our regular schedule, we had to get up super early again today. Adrian got AJ up and ready and we got him on the bus before Adrian headed in to work. I got Daniel ready and dropped off at school and then came home and got Zak ready and dropped off at school. I sent both of them with cookies for birthday treats to share with their classes today. I took the day off today to catch my breath between all of the birthday fun. I headed out to run a few errands after dropping everyone off at school and then came home and worked around the house until it was time to pick everyone up.
The day passed quickly and before long it was time for school pick ups. I picked up Daniel and AJ from school as a treat for Daniel since it's his special day. Then we came home and soon after I headed out to pick up Zak from school. When we all got home, we had some free time and then quickly finished our homework so we were ready to party when Dad got home. We had pasta together for dinner, then split up for our night activities. I headed to the church to teach Zumba and Adrian and AJ headed to his weekly Scout meeting. When we all got home, we had homemade ice cream cake for Daniel's birthday and opened his presents. After that, we got the boys thru their night routine and down to bed a little later than normal but that's OK. Adrian and I cleaned up a little around the house and then watched two comedies before also heading to bed. While it wasn't a huge celebration today, he still had a great day and has his party with friends this weekend to look forward to.
Tuesday (2/11) We are finally done with birthday celebrations, at least until this weekend, and are in our annual sugar comas for the week. We slept in just a little this morning and drove AJ to school instead of having him take the bus. Adrian helped get AJ and Daniel up and moving before he headed in to work for the day. Then I dropped them off at school and got myself and Zak ready for our day. We headed into the school together since I was subbing for the day. Our day passed quickly, especially since I had two different classes today. I enjoy doing the half days and getting to see different kids during the day.
When we got home from school, we quickly did our homework and then started getting ready for our night. Zak finished up his Scout assignment and then we all enjoyed tacos together for dinner. Then Zak and I headed out to his Scout meeting. We spent the evening learning about dinosaurs and finishing up his "Digging in the Past" beltloop. Zak was super proud of the dinosaur he created from legos. His name is Rodo and he is from Uranus. In addition to sharing our dinosaurs, we enjoyed fossil snacks and talked about how different things are found in the different layers of the Earth. After his meeting, we came home and it was pretty much time for our night routine. We got the boys thru their snack and show and then put them down for the night. Then Adrian and I did a little bit of clean up in the kitchen, watched a few comedies from our DVR and also headed to bed. This week every year is always so tiring!
Wednesday (2/12) We had another rough time getting out of bed this morning, but we made it. We actually got up early enough for Adrian to get AJ ready and on the bus before he headed out to work. Then I dropped Daniel off at school and ran home to grab Rocky and drop her off at daycare for the day. After that, I got Zak ready and dropped him off at school for the day. Then I came home and finally got myself ready for the day before heading out to the Gahanna Y to teach my two classes, Zumba Toning & Aqua Zumba. We had a blast in both classes as we always do! Then I ran quickly to the Reynoldsburg Y to teach my Silver Sneakers class and as always had a great time with that crew.
I finished up and ran to pick up my Kroger order for the week before getting in line to pick up Zak from school. After I dropped him and the groceries off at home, I headed out to Central for AJ's parent teacher conferences. I heard all good things, his teachers are really pleased with his hard work, behavior and intelligence. He is being recommended for all advanced classes again next year & will continue playing baritone. His band teacher would like him to get some private lessons over the summer so we'll be looking into that for him too. After a smooth time of meeting with all of his teachers, I picked up Rocky and headed home briefly.
As soon as I got home, I got the boys thru homework and dinner as quickly as possible before heading back out to Central for a meeting about the college credit program. After hearing about it and discussing it, AJ has decided to wait at least one more year before starting down this path, which I think is an excellent idea. After that meeting, I finally got to go home for the day and relax a bit! Adrian had Bible study after work so he headed right there and I was on my own for the night. We finished up the little bit of homework we still had left and then I gave the boys some free time so I could relax. Soon it was time for their night routine so I got them thru that and down to bed. Then Adrian came home and we cleaned up a little before settling down to watch "Survivor" and then headed to bed.
Thursday (2/13) We had a rough time getting up and moving again this morning but thankfully today is our Friday! AJ missed the bus again so Adrian helped me get AJ and Daniel started and then he headed in to work. Then I dropped them off at school, along with Daniel's final batch of Valentine's for his last class party. Then I came home and got Zak ready and we headed in to school together since I was subbing for the day. He also had Valentine's ready for his class party. Our day passed quickly and I got super lucky to be able to stop in to Zak's class party for a bit while my class was at their special. We enjoyed ice cream sundaes and Charlie Brown's Valentine's special together!When school was over we headed home and are super excited about our 4 day weekend!! I gave the boys free time for a bit while I relaxed and then started our dinner. We all ate dinner together before splitting up for the night. Adrian and Zak headed to the church for Zak's basketball practice and game. He played really tough today and did great on defense. While they were there, I was in the back of the church teaching my Zumba class. We had an awesome, sweaty time as usual. When we were all done, we headed home for the night. We got the boys thru their normal night routine and no one minded going to bed on time because we're all really worn out from the week. Then Adrian and I watched a few comedies on our DVR before we also headed to bed. So thankful for a few days off to catch up around the house and recover from all of these birthday celebrations!!
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