Saturday, April 22, 2017

Keeping Up With...Food (Meal Plan for April 24 - April 30)

Wow, I didn't mean to take a month off from menu planning.  But it just kind of happened.  I wasn't really buying or planning anything, just eating what we had for the last few weeks of March because we were anticipating needing to go to NJ (which we did).  Then we came back and were so busy and overwhelmed that we were just kind of surviving.  Then we hosted Easter so all of my energy went into that (and the food was awesome!)  And the past week we have been eating Easter leftovers and trying to get all the unhealthy food out of our house.

So now that I have been eating amazing yet fattening food for like a month, I really need a reset.  I have gained some weight and also just am not feeling 100% myself.  So we'll be getting back to basics starting this week and hopefully eating really well from now until Memorial Day.  I'm excited to see more fruits on sale in the stores now, it's always easy to have healthy snacks over the summer (except for all of the ice cream!)
This week I'm mostly cooking new things.  I'm doing a huge restocking grocery trip on Monday since we are very low on nearly everything in this house.  I will get back to using up things that I have in the house starting next week.  This week I'm using a few things that I bought last week that I never got to use and also just a few things left over from Easter.

Here's what we're eating this week:
Monday - Pork Chops with leftover sweet potatoes
Tuesday - Taco Tuesday!
Wednesday - Asian Noodle Salad - on the go as we have a very busy night!
Thursday - Cauliflower Soup and Grilled Cheese
Friday - Chicken Sloppy Joes and salad
Saturday - Pizza Chicken Casserole
Sunday - Meatball Subs for the kids & Zoodles & Meatballs for the adults

I'm also making these muffins and these cookies so we have some healthy snacks in the house.  I'll also be buying and prepping a bunch of fruit for snacks, and we have some cheese sticks and nuts already.

Water Flavor - Apple (we have some apples that we really need to use up - it's almost time to pick new ones, yay!)

Overnight Oats Flavors - Original, Chocolate Peanut Butter, & Banana Chocolate Chip.  After a week without having the oats set up, I'm really missing them!  We are keeping it simple this week with our three favorites.  I might branch out to something new next week, we'll see.

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