Friday (3/24) For the first time all week, we all got a good night's sleep! Daniel had ibuprofen at urgent care last night and I think that helped him sleep, which let Adrian and I sleep better too. He woke up this morning looking and feeling better than he has in 2 days! Here's hoping he's on the mend and no one else gets strep. I got AJ and Zak out to school then spent most of the morning hanging out with Daniel and getting stuff done around the house. Adrian is working from home again to help make it easier for me to do what I have to do outside of the house.
In the afternoon, I took Zak to the pediatrician for his 5 year well check and
he did great. He took his 3 shots like a champ, no tears at all!! He
is 45 1/2 inches, he grew over 5 inches in a year and he weighs 72
pounds, more than Daniel and almost as much as AJ. Doctor said keep
doing what we're doing and get him into football. He also gave me prescriptions for AJ and Zak just in case they get strep. We got home, picked up AJ, dropped the boys off at home and I headed to the YMCA to teach my Barre class. When I got home, we were all exhausted after the week. We had a quick dinner, watched a few shows and headed to bed. We bumped our date night movie night to tomorrow when we hopefully both have more energy.
Saturday (3/25) started early for me because I volunteered to sub a Zumba class for my friend. I headed to the Y to teach while Adrian got the boys ready for the day. He took Zak to soccer and I stayed with AJ and Daniel, who is feeling better but still taking it easy. After a quick lunch, I dropped all three boys off at their friends' house for a play date. They were so excited to play with the other 3 boys all afternoon and everyone had a great time. Adrian spent the afternoon fixing our leaking water heater and I got some stuff done around the house.
We picked the boys up and decided to do an easy dinner of picking up Bibibop. We spent the night doing a few more things around the house, watching some TV and playing video games. After the boys went to bed, Adrian and I had our movie date night that we postponed from last night. We watched Deadpool while snacking on ice cream. It was an OK movie. It was funny, but a lot of that was overshadowing by the violence and the language. It wasn't my favorite super hero movie that's for sure.
Sunday (3/26) started with lots of changed plans. My parents were supposed to be out here to visit but they needed to stay in NJ with my ailing grandfather. We were supposed to go to church together as a family but Daniel's fever spiked again so he spent the day on the couch trying to rest and recover. The rest of us took turns going to church, swim lessons and the grocery store. We also finished everything we needed to do around the house. AJ and Daniel are on spring break this week but we're not sure if we're doing anything between Daniel being sick and a possible emergency trip to NJ later this week. We're being flexible and playing it by ear.
Monday (3/27) Happy 41st Birthday to me!! The day started very early when Daniel woke me up at 4am. Thankfully Adrian decided to take the day off and take over on Daniel duty (he's still not feeling well) around 6am so I could go back to sleep. I slept in until about 9am and then had donuts for breakfast with my boys. We hung out around the house, played with my new game "Bounce Off" and relaxed until I went to teach my afternoon Zumba class. We danced to all of my favorite songs and then enjoyed cupcakes after class! Some of my students also gave me gifts, they were really sweet. I love my new soaps, key chain and Target gift card!
I came home to home made pizza that Adrian made for us for dinner. The boys also gave me my other present - a new box for my essential oils. Since Daniel wasn't feeling well, we decided to do an extra family movie night and watched Moana. It was really good, I really enjoyed it! We took a break halfway through the movie to enjoy some ice cream cake and then all turned in for the night when it was over. Most of us were really tired from the past few days.
Tuesday (3/28) started early again for me when I woke up at 6am and just couldn't fall back asleep. I'm glad I didn't because soon after I got out of bed, my father called to tell me that my grandfather had passed away. I spent most of the day bouncing between crying and being super productive. I did manage to get Zak to school in the morning, do a couple of errands and teach my Silver Sneakers class. I also took AJ and Daniel to their dentist appointment - no cavities for either of them! The rest of the day I was either packing, cleaning or crying. We leave tomorrow for NJ for the funeral.
Wednesday (3/29) We got up and moving as quickly as we could to head to NJ. It was a late night trying to get everything together and we didn't get on the road until nearly 11:00am, almost an hour later than we were hoping. The drive across to NJ seemed to take forever! We finally got to my grandfather's house around 8:30pm. While it's not a fun reason for a visit, it is always nice to see family. When we got there, my parents, uncle, cousins and brother and his family were all there. We had dinner and visited for a bit before settling in for a little sleep before a busy two days of services for Pop.
Thursday (3/30) was the day of the viewing in the afternoon. We had a few errands to run in the morning to get things ready and then we also visited a little more with family. We got everyone dressed and headed to the funeral home in the afternoon. It was really hard for me to see Pop like that, I just wasn't ready to say Goodbye. There was a really nice service by both the VFW and his church and a lot of friends and family came to pay their respects. Adrian and the boys stayed for about half the time and the boys did a very nice job with a hard day. When the service was over, we headed back to the house for dinner together. Again while not for a good reason, it was really nice to have the whole family together.
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