So I talked about going to Silver Sneakers training back in March. And I told you how much I love teaching the class. Well Monday night I got a call from someone from the company who runs the Silver Sneakers program that she was going to come out and observe my class. I had a mild panic attack and then thanks to some kind words from my boss at the Y, a good friend & my husband, I came down from the ledge and realized I would be OK.
And they were right, I was OK. The woman merely came in and observed my class and gave me some feedback on it. I got a slightly above average score (4.7 on a scale of 1-7) so I was very happy. She said I am a fantastic instructor with a great personality, I was just missing some of the key components of the program, which I knew going into the class. I don't use the band for my class for a few reasons & that was a pretty big ding to my score (so when she comes back next year I will for sure be higher!) And I do a few exercises that aren't "preferred" by them, but they are preferred by the students in the class and they have been doing them for months with the instructor before me. A few of the suggestions I will definitely be adding to my class in the next few weeks. All in all, I'm glad she came out to observe me and gave me so much feedback.
Other than that, the week was a pretty standard one. I'm still really struggling to get to any classes that aren't my own. I'm very close to giving up on that for the summer, between not wanting the boys in childcare too long & being VERY busy & active with them all day everyday it's a very hard goal for me right now. I'm also struggling a little with the "summer slide" of people not coming to classes. I've had a few classes cancel the past week since no one showed up. I know it's a season but it still bums me out.
Here's how the week looked:
Wednesday - Went raspberry picking with the boys for an hour and did the elliptical for 10 minutes when no one showed up for my afternoon Zumba class
Thursday - Taught a one hour Silver Sneakers class, taught a one hour cardio dance class & rode the bike for 15 minutes when no one showed up for my morning Zumba class
Friday - Taught 2 one hour Zumba classes (one morning & one evening)
Saturday - Taught 1 one hour Zumba Toning class
Sunday - Practiced my new salsa for Zumba for about 20 minutes
Monday - Taught 2 one hour Zumba Toning classes (one morning & one evening) - I am still sore from this!
Tuesday - Taught a one hour Silver Sneakers class (for the observation), swam with the boys for about an hour and played at the park with them for about an hour
I weighed in this morning and I lost 4 pounds!! That's almost all of the weight I gained on vacation. This weekend is going to be rough since it's a holiday, but we have some activity planned so hopefully it will balance out and I'll maintain this week. I was very excited to take the vacation weight off so quick!!
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