Friday (12/30) Adrian was able to work from home which was nice because the boys didn't have to come to the gym with me. He was supposed to be off but they just had too many problems on the program he's working on and they need to be all worked out by Tuesday. It might be a long weekend for him (and us). I did my first workout in like 9 days & it was rough, but I survived. I taught a Zumba class to about 20 people, it was such a fun group! They kept me going even though I didn't really want to.
After Adrian and I both finished work, we got the kids ready and headed downtown to COSI. They are closing Adrian's favorite exhibit "Adventure" and he wanted to go do it one more time. We headed there first and about an hour later we had unlocked the "treasure of knowledge" and completed level one. Zak, Daniel and I were done with the exhibit but Adrian & AJ wanted to try level two, so we split up. The three of us headed to the traveling exhibit and learned "How People Make Things." It was a pretty fun exhibit and I'm glad we saw it before it leaves next week.
When we finished up in COSI our plan was to walk around the downtown Christmas lights. But when we walked outside and felt how cold it was, we opted to just drive around and see them the best we could. Plus everyone was pretty hungry so we drove around for about 10 minutes and then headed home for dinner. It was a fun afternoon and evening with family!
Saturday (12/31) The last day of 2016! We slept in again today and then were all super motivated to clean the house. Adrian and I organized the entire play room, including our game closet. It was a huge mess and took us most of the afternoon. We threw out like 4 or 5 bags (I lost count) of trashed toys and games plus have another 3 bags that were in decent shape but we just outgrew to donate. Of course once we put our Christmas haul away the play room will be just as full, but hopefully it will stay organized.
Other than cleaning out the play room, it was a very chill day. We ordered Jets pizza for lunch and just picked on it all day so I didn't have to worry about cooking. We finished up Jesus' ice cream birthday cake for dessert. We played a lot of board games and the boys played a lot of video games. And everyone stayed up until midnight for the second year in a row!
Sunday (1/1) Happy New Year!! What an awesome start to our new year. I volunteered in childcare at church this morning and had a great time with the kids. Some of them were having a tough time being away from Mom and Dad and I was able to really love on some of them and help them feel welcome. Adrian and the boys missed service today since the boys all slept until after 10 this morning after their late night.
When I came home we did our dinner in the afternoon since we had plans at dinner time. We had our traditional pork (ribs, slow cooked in our new convection oven, yum!) and sauerkraut for good luck for the year. While we were eating, we started our new Sun dinner tradition and used AJ's Christmas present - a conversation starter. He picked a question from the jar & asked about what we've read recently. We had a really good conversation about the books we just read or are currently reading. It was really fun! We also talked about what everyone wanted to eat for dinner this upcoming week, I'm trying to involve them in meal planning.
Finally we headed to the zoo late in the afternoon to see the Wildlights. We have tried to go a few times and had to cancel. Adrian and I didn't honestly feel like going tonight but the boys (especially Daniel) really wanted to go. I'm SO glad we did! We walked around for over 2 hours looking at the lights, walking thru the aquarium, seeing the light show on the lake, riding the train and watching Rudolph in the 4D theater. Such an amazing night together!! We finished up with funnel cake and ice cream for dinner (yes, I am totally serious). It was a great night and a wonderful start to our year. I wish I could clone the day 364 more times.
Monday (1/2) Last day of winter break for everyone. While I've enjoyed having the boys home and having very little scheduled, I am also excited to get back to our routine tomorrow. All the boys really wanted to do today was play video games, since they only get them on weekends during the school year. And Adrian and I had quite a bit of things to do around the house since we slacked off all break. So that's basically what we did. I taught my first Zumba class of the year in the afternoon, we were all a little sluggish but we survived.
Tuesday (1/3) Back to our normal routine!! Everyone got up and out for work and school this morning. We were actually early for our school drop offs and there was very little fighting this morning to get everyone ready, yay! I went to my first class at Pure Barre and am very sore after it. I also started the grocery restock after not shopping very much for the two weeks everyone was off. After school, everyone except Daniel had chiropractor appointments to get adjusted after the holidays. AJ was supposed to get back to Brain Balance tonight but Adrian got stuck at work and I was teaching a Zumba class so he missed that. All in all it was a good return to our routine.
Wednesday (1/4) was a little rougher getting moving in the morning but still got everyone to school on time. While they were at school I continued the grocery restocking and also taught a Zumba class. After school Daniel and Zachary had soccer and did an awesome job in their classes. AJ also met up with his friend (who has a brother in Daniel's class) and they played soccer on their own for most of the time. We were all really tired when we got home. I wish our schedule started back up in waves instead of going from nothing to everything all in one week!
Thursday (1/5) started with a wrench in our schedule. Daniel was complaining that his stomach hurt so he stayed home from school. I had to miss my Barre class so I ended up taking a rest day today. But I was able to get a lot done around the house since we were home. After some rest and TV time, he seemed fine so we went on with our day as scheduled.
Daniel and I picked up Zak from school and headed over towards Easton. My sister in law Rebecca was in town for a meeting and had a few hours before her plane left so we were meeting her for lunch. We got there early so we did a "quick" trip to Costco and then headed over to Piada to meet her for a delicious lunch. We tried to walk around Easton a little bit but it was freezing and snowing. So we cut through the mall and went to Jeni's for ice cream. It was a great (but quick!) visit with her & I'm so glad we were able to do it!!
We left from Easton and headed right to school to pick up AJ. In the mean time the snow was getting worse and basketball practice for the night was cancelled. We also decided to not make the drive over to Brain Balance so our whole evening was free. We celebrated by playing board games and watching TV from our warm house. Zak and I also went on a snow walk because he wanted to make as many snow prints as possible. I was bummed that our plans cancelled but also thrilled not to have to be out in the cold!
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