Friday (1/20) was a rough morning, no one was getting ready in a timely manner and we had places to be. I somehow managed to get everyone to school on time and get to my interview with a new fitness center where I will be teaching some Silver Sneakers classes. After that I met my friend to pick up the workout pants she made for me...and pick out new fabrics for her to make me more pants.
After school we all headed to the Y for my Barre class and then Adrian took AJ to soccer. When we all got home and had dinner, we were exhausted after the week so we watched TV and relaxed. We did have an interesting conversation about the inauguration and the new president. AJ (age 9) said "I heard
there are some people who are not happy that Trump is our president
because of the things he said." I braced myself to answer some tough
questions and asked him what he heard. "He said he was going to clean
up a swamp but I'm pretty sure there are still alligators in it." Haha!! I love the childlike innocence (and am thankful I didn't have to answer hard questions tonight).
Saturday (1/21) was another jam packed day with us needing to get a lot done. It started with AJ and Adrian heading to AJ's first basketball scrimmage. He played pretty good, even got an assist for a basket. Then they came home and Adrian switched out kids and Daniel headed to his first scrimmage. He also did really well and got a rebound. Both boys had a lot of fun, which is our main goal for this season.
While they were at Daniel's scrimmage, Carl and Isabelle came over for a bit. Isabelle played with AJ and Zak while Carl and I looked at our crushed pipe in the front yard. Then all the kids played in the back yard while I cleaned up our messy deck. After Carl left, we had lunch then the boys had some video game time while Adrian and I got some stuff done around the house. And then I took AJ and Daniel to Engineering for Kids for their Minecraft/Pokemon night. My parents gave them money for Christmas to be able to do this. They had a blast and were so excited that their progress from the last time they went was still saved. They want to go back again soon.
We finished our day with some frozen pizza and wings and a movie night. We watched one of Daniel's new movies, Justice League: Gotham City Breakout. It was pretty silly to me and Adrian but the boys loved it. Adrian and I kept our minds busy by playing games on our tablets.
Sunday (1/22) we all woke up in a bad mood and no one wanted to do anything. We pulled it together (somewhat) and I headed to church to volunteer. Then we got a few things done around the house and then headed over to Carl's for dinner and football. It was great to be able to play in the yard and grill our dinner in mid-Jan! I wish the football game had been more exciting, but it was still fun to catch up with Carl and Sarah.
The highlight of the night was when Carl taught all the kids how to shoot Isabelle's bow and arrow. He shot a bunch of really high shots that the kids loved chasing. Then each kid got to shoot them as well. They were running all over the yard chasing them. I think AJ would like a bow and arrow set now.
Monday (1/23) was back to our normal routine, finally for a full week this time. I got everyone up and out to school and then headed to a killer barre class. I ran a few errands and then picked Zak up from school. We did a few puzzles in the afternoon, then he watched some TV while I did a few things and prepped our dinner. Then we picked up the big kids and headed to the Y so I could teach my Zumba class. We enjoyed a yummy dinner of homemade Chinese food together and then Adrian headed out to basketball while the boys and I got ready for bed. Ready to do it all again tomorrow!
Tuesday (1/24) Well, it finally happened...we were late to school this morning! It was the first time all year and we have made it more than half of the year so I am pretty proud of all of us. The worse part about being late this morning was that it wasn't that I was running late but the boys would just not get their butts in gear. They acted like they had no idea how to get ready. They each got a punishment for their behavior and Daniel was really upset that he can not get perfect attendance this quarter now.
After that rough start, the day went pretty well. I went into school to volunteer in both AJ's and Daniel's class. In Daniel's class I did a quick sight word review with a few kids and then moved on to helping them better understand money. Daniel said he was surprised that I was reviewing money and excited because he wouldn't have seen me if I only did sight words. In AJ's class I continued to work on my book binding project. It is such a long and tedious process, but we are making progress!
I finished up at school and went to pick up Zak. We made a quick trip to Kroger and then came home for lunch and some play time. We did more puzzles and he helped me put away some groceries. The afternoon flew by and soon we were picking up the other two boys. They all went to play together in the play room so I got a few things done then headed out to teach a Zumba class. Adrian made tacos for all of us for dinner and then headed out to Cub Scouts with AJ and Daniel. AJ got his Bobcat badge tonight, it's the first badge every scout earns and they do a ceremony for it. Thankfully one of our friends snapped a picture of AJ for us.
Wednesday (1/25) After yesterday's horrible start, today was like a dream come true. Everyone got up and got ready and we got to school with no problems. I went and ran an errand and then taught a Zumba class while they were all at school. Then tonight I picked them all up from school and went to the Y to teach another Zumba class. And then ran everyone over to soccer for the night. Zak and Daniel both did fantastic tonight at soccer! Zak has been having a few rough weeks at soccer but today he did awesome. His coach and I were super proud of him!
Thursday (1/26) was another rough start to the day which involved lots of yelling (me) and lots of tears (them). We somehow got out the door on time and they went to school while I went to a Pure Barre class and then for a much needed eyebrow wax. Zak and I came home and did our normal afternoon stuff (TV, dinner prep, shower, puzzles, etc) and then went to pick up the other two.
AJ came home with a bunch of homework today so we had to alter our evening plan. He had to go to basketball because it was team pictures so he missed his Brain Balance therapy. He got all of his homework done and even had time to watch two episodes of his new favorite TV show, Beyblade. Daniel also had basketball practice and pictures tonight. It was a busy Thursday for us!
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