I'm back to menu planning after a week off. I mentioned last time that I was popping in quickly while recovering from a fever. That fever turned into a stomach bug and had me down and out for over a week. It was really rough and I hope I am never that sick again. I've spent most of last week trying to recover, eating, drinking lots of water and building up my energy.
This week I am trying to use up the remaining greens from my CSA bag last week so we are having lots of salads. We will also get another bag on Thursday so that will dictate next week's menu plan. We also have only 2 weeks left of school so I'm trying to keep our meals easy and quick since we're busy finishing up homework and projects for the year. And the boys are in full swing with baseball right now so that keeps us out of the house at least once each week.
Here's my plan for this week:
Monday - Spicy Orange Beef & Broccoli Stir Fry with Roasted Swiss Chard
Tuesday - Taco Tuesday!! plus this Spinach Chicken Salad for lunch
Wednesday - Ravioli with Swiss Chard (or spinach if I use all the Swiss Chard on Mon)
Thursday - Cobb Salad
Friday - Bermuda Spinach Salad
Saturday - Spinach & Orzo Salad
Sunday - Dinner with my brother and his family. Not sure where we're eating so I'll pull something together if we are here.
I'll pair those salads with either store bought dinner rolls or English muffin garlic bread. I may grab a loaf of crusty French bread if I see one too. I'm super excited about this menu!!
Water Flavor - Mango (my favorite!!)
Food Prep - I already set up the water flavor for the week, made rice krispy treats for AJ for his snacks for the week and cut up two melons for snacks. I am thawing the chicken for the salads for lunches and will be cooking that later today. I will probably also hard boil some eggs.
As always, I'm linking up with Laura at Mommy, Run Fast.
Go check out the other blogs on the link up for some more yummy recipes! Have a great week!!
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