Sunday, August 16, 2015

Keeping Up With...Food (Menu Plan 8/17 - 8/23)

Wow it's been almost a month since I did a menu plan!  We've been mostly eating whatever we have on hand, going out with family or eating tons of leftovers.  The two weeks of family left our fridges pretty well stocked.  Although not all of it was stuff for dinner...
Lots of peaches, apples & beer!
Now that school starts this week I am trying to get us all back into a routine and that includes eating better.  We really enjoyed our summer but my waist line is seeing the effects.  And so is our bank account.  I'll also be trying to make some dinners that the boys can take for lunch later in the week, I've just learned about sending hot things to school in a thermos!  How did I go two full years and not know about this???

Here's what we're eating this week:
Monday - Pepper & Potato Frittata  with English Muffins & Fruit
Tuesday - Taco Tuesday!!
Wednesday -  Buffalo Chicken with this Pasta Salad
Thursday - Pumpkin Chili
Friday - Rotini & Salami Casserole - We bought lunch meat at Costco and have a ton of salami leftover.  I'm getting creative over the next few weeks to use it up.
Saturday - Creamy Cauliflower Soup with Salad
Sunday - Chicken Stroganoff - a family favorite!

Water Flavor - Pineapple.  I've never tried this, but I got a nice size pineapple for $1 on Friday.  I normally freeze them for smoothies but I'm stocked up on frozen fruit since I haven't made a smoothie in about a month so I thought I'd try this.

As always, I'm linking up with Laura at Mommy, Run Fast & Jill at Fitness, Health and Happiness.  Go check them out for some more yummy recipes!  Have a great week!!


  1. Welcome back!! We do hot things occasionally but I need to do it more often... we're getting ready for kindergarten and I need to get my list of ideas together. She's not interested in the preschool lunches anymore... guess we overdid it.

    1. I haven't had to be too creative with my oldest, he likes sandwiches so I just did a variety of those. Plus he started to buy 2-3 times each week when he saw the food. My middle son doesn't eat anything so I was very worried. He's super excited now about it since he has a new thermos.

  2. Welcome back! Your menu sounds delicious. Pineapple infused water is delicious. Watermelon and cucumber has been my go to infused water this summer.

    1. Thanks, I'm excited about the pineapple infused water. I also did a ton of watermelon & cucumber over the summer!
