Thursday, April 2, 2015

Keeping Up With...Workouts (Catching Up & Toning Training)

So it's been a while since I did a workouts post, over a month!  It's not that my workouts haven't been happening, I've actually been teaching a ton of classes recently.  But my eating for most of March was horrible!  I hit a bit of a slump and just didn't feel like doing what I should.  I knew my bad eating was totally negating how hard I was working out, yet I just keep eating.  And I was feeling it, just not able to do as much.

Last weekend we celebrated my birthday.  This weekend we will celebrate Easter.  I was going to take yet another week "off" and start fresh the Monday after Easter.  Then I decided, why wait?  So I'm back to it this week.  I'll take Easter Sunday off to enjoy our traditional Polish breakfast and some candy.  But that shouldn't be enough to derail all the good I'll do the rest of the days.

Part of the reason I decided to get my butt in gear was that I finally went to Zumba Toning Training on Saturday.  It was an amazing day of fun and learning!  I love everything about the Toning program and am working hard on getting my playlist together so I can start teaching classes.  I love the mix of dancing and toning for maximum calorie burn.  I feel like to teach this class I need to be in good shape and I am in my best shape when I am eating correctly.

I'm SO excited to have this license.  While I love Zumba, I have been talking a lot about how I feel like I need just a little more.  I know I need more than cardio to achieve my goals.  This program combines both strength and cardio.  I loved every second of training, didn't zone out or get bored (that can happen in 9 hours of training) and retained a ton of information.  Best day!!

I'm not going to do a run down of all that I have done the past month.  I'll get back to that recap next week.  But, here is a quick update on how my weekly goals have gone the past month:
1. Continue teaching at least 6 Zumba classes each week.  I have been keeping up with this, most weeks I'm teaching 7-9 classes.  I'm up to 9 standing classes for the next 2 weeks, but I've missed one or two in the past month.  I'm tired but it's a good tired.
2.  Attend at least 2 classes other than mine each week.  I have been horrible with this one, barely going to any other classes.  I did a Zumba jam session and the Zumba toning training.  But other than that I haven't done anything other than my class.
3.  Do at least 10 minutes of strength training at home 5 days each week.  Nope, not even close on this one.  But I will be doing the April Tone Your Body calendar this month.  My goal is to do it once on all 30 days.  I will count this as this goal.
4.  Do at least 60 minutes of yoga or pilates each week.  Fail again.  I don't think I've done any this past month.
5.  Continue doing the Sisterhood of the Shrinking Jeans monthly calendar.  I finished the Lose Your Love Handles February challenge.  I didn't like their March challenge since it was pushups & squats again, which we just did in Jan.  So I decided to do last year's whole body challenge again.  It was only one exercise each day but I couldn't keep up.  I kept a list of what I didn't do and will do it this month in addition to the April Tone Your Body calendar.
6.  Make the changes in the year long challenge called A Year of Small Changes. I've been keeping up with everything on this.  Again, too much to recap but I'm up to date on all of the small changes.

Finally, my weigh in:
2/25 - 218
4/1 - 224
Change for the week - up 6 lbs in 5 weeks
Change for the year - down 1 lbs of the 52 lbs I'm trying to lose (13th week of the year)

Yikes!!  I have some work to do!  I'm leaving all of that in the past and moving on to the second quarter of the year.  Here's to progress!!

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