We did really well sticking to last week's meal plan. We made everything that we had planned, although we didn't end up going to Zoombeezi Bay on Friday so we had leftover baked ziti for dinner that night. I made the cabbage salad on Saturday for lunch and we'll have it for leftovers for lunches this week too. We've successfully used up all of our veggies so far this summer, I haven't thrown anything away yet. I'm super proud of how well we are keeping up with them, even though sometimes I feel like we're eating the same thing over and over (kale - it's coming out of my ears!) I did opt out of kale for this week's delivery, I just need a week off from it.
This week we are once again focusing our meals around the veggies that we have in the fridge right now. I'm hoping to use most of everything up this week so I have room in the fridge for next week. My mom is coming in for a few days and Adrian is going away a few days so I'm not sure I'll be able to keep up with the veggies for the next two deliveries. I'm planning to cook a few meals in those days that will use the veggies, but I'll honestly mostly be having leftovers and easy meals, especially while Adrian is gone. I'm not sure if I'll do a meal plan blog next week or not, we'll see what the week looks like.
Here's what we're eating this week:
Sunday - Going to dinner at a friend's house. We're bringing red cabbage salad for a side dish.
Monday - Asian Pork and String Beans with Roasted Kale
Tuesday - Taco Tuesday with Corn on the Cob
Wednesday - Asian Beef Slaw with Corn on the Cob
Thursday - Crab Legs in the Instant Pot with Roasted Kale
Friday - Salads at Zoombeezi Bay, either whatever we have left of the cabbage ones or I'll make fresh ones with lettuce
Saturday - London Broil on the grill with veggies
Water Flavor - Orange Basil. I got a really good deal on a pack of basil so I'm going to use it for my water the next two weeks. I'm still using up the oranges I have in the fridge so I'll add those with the basil this week.
Overnight Oats - I set up a few batches with berry flavored yogurt this weekend so I'm set for the week. I'm really proud of all of the food prep I did this weekend to get ready for the upcoming week!
Use it Up - Once again I'm focusing on the veggies in the fridge and the meat in the freezer. I'll be focusing on emptying the freezer over the next few weeks and hopefully not shopping very much at all. I did a big stock up trip this week so we should be good, maybe even just small trips until the boys go back to school.
Lunches - I'll be having a lot of salad this week for lunches. I have leftover cabbage salad from this weekend. I also made eggplant salad with balsamic vinaigrette with an eggplant and some tomatoes we got from our CSA this week. I'm looking forward to eating that this week too!!
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