Saturday, January 12, 2019

Keeping up with...Family (Weekly Wrap 1/4 - 1/10)

Friday (1/4) Last day of winter break!  We all slept in a little this morning, not as late as we have been but that is probably for the best since we have to start getting to bed a little earlier so we're ready for school on Monday.  We spent the morning hanging out watching TV and I started getting some stuff done around the house.  After a quick lunch we got ready to have David and Zachary over to play for the afternoon.  The boys were asking to do this all break and our schedules finally synced up today.  The five boys played together amazingly well & had a great time together!!  They played for just over two hours before it was time for David & Zachary to go home so we could get ready for our evening plans.  Adrian got home from work and took Zak to his wrestling practice.  Then I fed the other boys and left for my Scout committee meeting.  My meeting went long so by the time I got home, the boys were in bed.  Adrian and I got snacks and watched a few comedies before heading to bed for the night.

Saturday (1/5) We had to get up and moving this morning as we start to ease back into our routine.  I got up and ready and headed to the church for my Zumba class.  We had a fun class although we are struggling a little with getting back into the groove after Christmas.  After class, I headed to my friends house for the first meeting of our women's Bible study.  We are going to meet every other Sat and I'm so excited to get to know these ladies better!!  While I was there, Adrian got the boys ready and took them to the church to play basketball with AJ for a little bit.  He really wants to join another league but we can't find one for him right now so they are going to play every Sat for now until something else starts.

When we all got home, we watched OSU lose in their basketball game and then started working around the house, including taking down the Christmas decorations.  It's such a sad day when they have to come down, but it is definitely time.  The day passed quickly between working around the house and taking down the decorations.  We watched the Colts/Texans game in the background since it was a pretty boring blow out.  After dinner we settled in to watch the Cowboys/Seahawks game.  It was a defensive struggle and super stressful, especially for us Cowboys fans.  I'm super thankful that they won & we have more meaningful football next weekend!

Sunday (1/6) We slept in a little today before getting up and getting ready to head to church.  We all heard great lessons in second service & I got to see a lot of friends which is always wonderful.  When we got home from school, we jumped right in to finishing up everything on the to do lists and getting ready for the week.  We got a lot done and feel ready to hit the ground running tomorrow with school and our full schedule.  We also watched as much of the football games as we were able to squeeze in and still can't believe the Eagles won on a "double doink" missed field goal!

In the evening, our activities were back after Christmas break.  Adrian took all three boys to martial arts where they all had a great time.  They will be testing for their next belts in a few weeks and are so excited!  After martial arts, Adrian dropped AJ off at church for the One8ty spring kick off.  He had a blast playing Romans vs Christians with the other teens and then enjoyed ice cream sundaes for snacks.  When we all got back home, we got the boys to bed as early as we were able and then finished up a few things before settling down to watch the start of the Golden Globes before heading to bed as well.

Monday (1/7) Back to our routine today!!  We all got up on time, even though most of us didn't want to.  Adrian drove AJ to school while I got the other two boys ready.  I dropped them off and then headed out to run a bunch of errands, including a huge stock up grocery shopping trip.  I spent the whole morning shopping and returning a few things from Christmas.  When I got home, I was tired but I managed to get everything put away and get a few things done around the house before the boys got home from school.  It was such a warm day that I walked up to pick up Daniel & Zak!
After a short break, we got thru homework and dinner so we were ready for our busy night.  Adrian got stuck at work so I was on my own with three different places that we needed to be.  I drove all of us to the church to get Zak to his first basketball practice.  He has a great time and learned a lot, even though he was bummed that Dad wasn't there to be his coach.  AJ's friend picked him up from the church so he could head to his Scout meeting tonight.  He said he learned a lot about cold weather camping and also was excited to get his prize and badge from selling popcorn.  While they were there, I was teaching a Zumba class at class.  It was my first Zumba Toning class in a while and we had a blast!!  I'm hoping this format takes off at the church because I love teaching it!  When we all got home, I got everyone down to bed and then finished cleaning up around the house.  Adrian got home just as I sat down to relax so we watched some of the college football championship game before I headed to bed.  I loved the Imagine Dragons show at halftime, they have some great music!
Tuesday (1/8) We struggled a little bit getting up today but we did it.  Adrian and AJ were running a little late but still managed to get out on time to school and work.  I got the other boys ready and we barely made it out the door on time to drop them off.  Then I had to come home to finish packing up my stuff for the day and headed off to Harcum to teach my three classes.  We had a blast in all three classes, everyone is back after their fun holidays!  I'm a little sore after last night's new class and then all three today but I feel great!

After my classes were over, I headed into school to volunteer in Zak's class.  I did sight words with about half the class, including finishing Zak's second book with him.  He is super excited to move on to book 3 tomorrow!  When school was over for the day, we picked up Dan and headed home for the day.  We had a rare night with nothing to do and we took advantage of it!  We relaxed for a while, finished homework, had tacos for dinner together and played a lot.  I also got a lot done around the house.  I'm really trying to stay caught up on things around the house this year.  The night passed quickly and soon it was time to get the kids to bed.  After they were down for the night, Adrian and I watched a few comedies and then headed to bed too.
Wednesday (1/9) Wow, today was even harder to get up and moving than yesterday was.  I forget that even though we only had two weeks off, it takes a while to get back in the groove again.  We did manage to get up and moving on time.  Adrian dropped AJ off at school and headed to work.  I got Zak and Daniel ready and dropped off at school.  I was going to go take a few classes with friends but I was super sore and tired and decided to take a semi-rest day today.  I ran a few errands and then came home and worked around the house all day.  I got a ton of stuff done while the boys were at school and was feeling much better by the time they got home.  I got them quickly thru homework and then they were free for the night.  I got ready to head into work at the church front desk for the night.  Adrian hung out at home with the boys while I had a nice evening with some friends at church.  When I got home, I helped put the boys to bed and then Adrian and I got snacks and watched a few comedies before heading to bed too.  I'm hoping tomorrow morning is easier!

Thursday (1/10) After a good night of sleep, it was a little easier to get up and moving this morning.  Adrian got AJ ready and dropped off at school before heading to work.  I got the other two boys ready and dropped off at school before heading to Harcum to teach my Silver Sneakers classes.  I had two great classes in the morning then headed out to run some errands on my lunch break.  I stupidly locked my keys in my car and was stuck in the Target parking lot waiting for AAA for over an hour.  Thankfully my co-workers covered my afternoon class so we didn't have to cancel and my car was able to be unlocked quickly and I was on my way.

I came home and did a few things around the house before I had to pick up everyone from school.  I picked up Daniel and Zak when their day was over then headed over to Central to pick up AJ after Model UN.  He had a great meeting and is really enjoying this group.  We all came home and finished homework before the boys headed upstairs for some video game time.  I got dinner ready and then got ready to teach my Zumba class at the church.  We had a super fun class with a large group and a few new people.  After class, I came home to find everyone relaxing on the couch and getting ready for bed.  Adrian and I got the boys to bed and then had snacks while watching a few comedies before we headed to bed too.

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