Friday (10/5) It was another rough night of sleep around here and I am really starting to feel it! We got up and moving but barely. I helped get Adrian and AJ off to school and then got ready and headed into school with Daniel and Zak. I subbed a half day in a kindergarten class and had so much fun with the kids. Then I grabbed a quick lunch and headed over to Harcum to sub a yoga class for my friend who is on vacation. When class was over, I ran a few errands and then headed home to pick everyone up from school.
When we got home, we were all exhausted. I was super thankful that my meeting for the evening was rescheduled to next Friday so I had nothing that I was committed to tonight. AJ and Zak were supposed to go to the high school football game to help raise the flag, but they decided they didn't want to do that because they were so tired. So we all stayed home and relaxed all night. The boys played video games while Adrian and I tried to regain control of the house. We put the boys down to bed at their normal times in hopes of a good night of rest. Adrian and I split a bottle of wine and watched a few new shows, "God Friended Me" and "Welcome to the Neighborhood." Both were pretty good, but we'll see how they progress. When that was over I was so tired I barely made it upstairs to fall into bed and fall asleep.
Saturday (10/6) Started way too early because Daniel had a rough night of sleep and ended up in my bed again last night. My alarm went off for me to get up and head to the church to teach my Zumba class there. I had to do a double class today one at the church and one at the Y. They were both super fun but I was a sweaty tired mess by the time I got home! While I was teaching, Adrian took Zak and Daniel to their soccer games. Zak's team lost, and they really seemed to struggle in the heat this morning. Daniel's team again played to a 4-4 tie, but his team played really well. When we all got home, we had lunch and started working around the house since we had some free time.
After a few hours of work, we got packed up and headed to my brother's house for the night. We had a nice time eating, chatting and relaxing with them. The kids had fun playing together upstairs and outside while the adults relaxed downstairs and watched the OSU game. We enjoyed a delicious dinner and a fun dessert since it is Carl and Sarah's wedding anniversary! We wanted to stay later, but we all got really tired so we headed home. Daniel and I barely stayed awake on the car ride home and went straight to bed when we got home. We all really need a good night of sleep!!
Sunday (10/7) We all finally slept thru the night!! I got like 10 hours of sleep and I feel like a new woman today. We had a lazy morning of TV, video games, breakfast & coffee before heading out to the second service at church. We heard a great sermon and I was blessed to see two students that I know well be baptized. I am so proud of them and their decisions!! When we got home, we had lunch and then started working around the house while watching the Jets game. They looked great today, I hope they play this well for the rest of the season! We got a lot done around the house since we had a big chunk of time at home, including starting to clean out the garage so I can start parking in there again. Adrian had to work for about 2 hours late this afternoon, so I took the boys to Martial Arts tonight. I enjoyed watching them practice their skills and learn a few new ones. We stopped for pizza at Marcos to bring home for dinner since we all were craving pizza and they had a great deal. After dinner, the boys played while Adrian and I cleaned up from dinner. When we got the boys down to bed, we watched the Cowboys game. I only made it thru about the 3rd quarter before I went to bed. Adrian was bummed they lost in OT but said it was a great game to watch.
Monday (10/8) Happy Columbus Day! This is our favorite holiday recently because Adrian is off and the boys go to school. Unfortunately, I woke up and the cold I have been fighting off finally caught up with me. I got the boys off to school and then went back to bed. We had to cancel our entire date day. Adrian dropped everyone off at school and then ran a few errands that we were going to do together. He picked up lunch from Piada for both of us and when he came back we did have a little bit of a stay home date. We ate lunch together and then watched a few comedies from our DVR until it was time to pick the boys up.
When the boys got home, we got quickly thru homework and then they played while I cooked dinner and baked cookies and Adrian did a few things outside that needed to be done. We had a quick dinner together and then headed to AJ's Boy Scout Court of Honor. He earned both his Scout rank and his Tenderfoot rank. Those are the first two of the seven he needs to earn to get to Eagle Scout. It was a nice ceremony and fun to see all of the merit badges that all of the boys earned over the past few months. We had some snacks after the ceremony and then headed home for the night. We quickly got the boys down to bed, watched one episode of "Young Sheldon" and headed to bed. I'm still not feeling great, hoping a good night of sleep will help.
Tuesday (10/9) We all got up and were ready to head back to our normal life since Adrian had work today. I'm still not feeling 100% but I do feel better than yesterday. Adrian and AJ left for work and school and then I got the other two boys up and ready for school. I dropped them off and then headed over to Harcum to teach my 3 Silver Sneakers classes. I struggled a little since I wasn't feeling well but I made it thru OK. After the last class, I headed over to West to go over sight words with some of the kids in Zak's class. Zak was mad that I ran out of time and didn't call him, but his classmates were all doing awesome so it took me longer than I thought with most of the kids.
When school was over we headed home for a short break and then I headed back to the school for parent teacher conferences. Both boys are off to a pretty good start this year. They are both
excelling in Math, Daniel's teacher said she keeps trying to stump him
but hasn't yet. They both need to focus a little more on reading and Zak
is still struggling a little with his writing. But overall it was all
positive feedback and they are on the right track! I got home and made taco Tuesday for all of us while getting everyone thru homework and AJ ready to go to Crossover basketball evaluations. Adrian took him there and helped with the drills and AJ did a great job! When everyone got home, we got the boys ready for bed. While we were upstairs, AJ said he wasn't feeling well and threw up. So we came down and made a plan for him to not go to school tomorrow. We watched the premier of "The Good Doctor" and then headed to bed to get a good night of sleep.
Wednesday (10/10) We got to sleep in a little today since AJ wasn't going to school. Too bad Zak had Adrian up around 6am. But that was still an hour later for him so we'll take it! I got up and wasn't feeling well but decided to push thru since I was subbing all day. I got the boys ready and we all headed into school. I had a tough day subbing, it was a challenging class for sure! But I made it thru and got home with the boys to find out AJ was thankfully feeling better. I relaxed a little then we got ready for our evening activities. I headed to the church to work as a facilities rep and Adrian took Daniel to soccer practice. He stayed there since the weather looked questionable. AJ stayed home with Zak and continued to rest and recover. When we all got home, we got the boys down to bed and settled in to watch "Survivor" before we also headed to bed for the day. I am still not feeling well and by the end of today I had no voice. That's going to be fun to teach three classes tomorrow!!
Thursday (10/11) After a great night of sleep we were all feeling better this morning. We got up and I helped get Adrian and AJ out to work and school and then started getting ready myself. Just as I was getting ready to leave with Daniel and Zak, Zak said he didn't feel good and got sick. So I called out of work for the day to stay home with him. I dropped Daniel off at school and then came back and rested with Zak for most of the day. We did run out to pick up AJ's prescription because we need it for tomorrow morning but other than that there was a lot of couch time.
When everyone else got home from school, we got ready for our night activities. Since Zak still wasn't feeling well, we skipped his soccer practice which made the night slightly easier. Adrian came home and took Daniel to his soccer practice while I went to church to teach my Zumba class. After a sweaty fun time at class, I headed to Meijer to pick up a few things and then came back home in time to help with bedtime. When the boys were asleep, Adrian and I did a few things to straighten up the house and then watched "The Big Bang Theory" before heading to bed. I'm really hoping to kick this cold soon!!
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