Friday (3/3) was a rough morning but we all got out the door and to school and work on time. I was subbing a class for a friend so I headed to the Y to teach. It was fun seeing the morning crew, I haven't been there in the mornings for a while. Then I picked Zak up and we went home to have lunch and get a few things done around the house. We picked up the other boys and went back to the Y for class number 3 of the day for me.
Adrian picked AJ up from the Y and took him to soccer. I brought the other boys home and cooked our dinner. After we all had dinner, we started a new weekly movie night. Every other week we will have family movie night where the 5 of us watch a family movie together. The other nights will be adults only movie night where Adrian and I watch a movie. This week we finally watched "Kung Fu Panda 3" which AJ has wanted to see for over a year. It was pretty cute, some funny parts. I had a hard time staying focused because I was SO tired.
Saturday (3/4) we all slept in a little bit and then got ready for a relatively calm Saturday, at least for us. Adrian took AJ to his final basketball while I stayed home with the other two kids. I had planned to go to the gym but none of us were motivated to get out the door when we needed to. After basketball AJ came home to rest while Adrian went to the gym. Then he came home and I took AJ to a soccer makeup where he got to play with his favorite coach. We finished up the day with Adrian taking Daniel to his all star celebration for basketball. Daniel got the Teamwork award for the year and also competed in the two person crazy lay up competition where he finished 4th (out of 5). We were all tired after all of that running around so we just enjoyed some couch time in the evening, watching video games, TV and getting a few thing done around the house.
Sunday (3/5) was Cross Over Sunday at church. We enjoyed an inspirational sermon from Kody Kasey, a college football player who had to have his lower leg amputated. It was a great way to start our day. Then we came home and got to work on all of the things we needed to do around the house. Since my brother was out of town, Sarah came over with the kids for a break in the afternoon. It was gorgeous outside so Isabelle played with the boys outside while Sarah, Vincent and I hung out and chatted. We also enjoyed a few shandies, and I found a new one that I love:
They headed home and we sat down for our weekly Sunday dinner. We enjoyed some meatball subs and a nice conversation describing things we saw outside the past week. It was a good pick for a topic since we had spent a lot of time outside this past week. We did our best to finish up our to do list tonight and have a little rest before starting another busy week.
Monday (3/6) we were back to our regular schedule of work and school for everyone. I started teaching a new Silver Sneakers class on Mondays & Wednesdays so after I dropped everyone off at school I headed to the gym to teach that. After class I picked up Zak from school and we hung out at home for a while before picking up the other boys and heading to the Y so I could teach class number 2 of the day. Adrian had to pick the boys up from the Y because they both had sports in the evening. He brought them home for dinner and then he headed out with AJ for his basketball All Star celebration. AJ earned Most Improved player for the season and competed in the crazy lay up competition. While they were there, I took Daniel to baseball evaluations since he is the only one who decided to play this season. Zak and I hung out in the cafeteria while Daniel played baseball in the gym. We finally all got home and got ready for bed while Adrian headed out to play his weekly basketball game. It was a crazy (and active!) Monday for all of us!
Tuesday (3/7) was a fairly typical day for us. Everyone went to school and work in the morning. I picked up Zak and we hung out here in the afternoon. Then we picked up the older kids and waited for Adrian to get home. He took over so I could go teach a Zumba class. He got them thru taco Tuesday for dinner and took all three to Brain Balance. He dropped AJ off there and took the other 2 to Toys R Us because Daniel had a toy from his birthday to return. Nice and easy day for us!
Wednesday (3/8) started the same as every other day except we were late getting AJ and Daniel to school. They claim it was because I talked to Noah's mom too much. I claim it was because we didn't leave on time because they were not listening and doing what they were supposed to do. Either way, they were late and it made me late for the whole morning as well.
After school we headed to the Y for my Zumba class then on to Lil Kickers for Daniel and Zak's last day of soccer for this session. It was parent participation and since Adrian was stuck at work, AJ was the other "parent." I started in Zak's class and did a bunch of drills with him and the two other kids in his class. Then AJ and I switched and I was in Daniel's class in a 5 on 5 scrimmage. I worked up a sweat running around with the kids! Adrian got there in the second half of class so he played with Zak for a bit then we switched so he could play with Dan for a bit. It was a fun family night!!
Thursday (3/9) started with Daniel complaining his stomach hurt. He seemed fine but I let him stay home from school anyway. He may have needed a mental health day. I dropped off Zak and AJ while Daniel rested and then the two of us headed to my Silver Sneakers class. We had some time to kill so we went to Target to buy him new sneakers, he was in desperate need! We picked up Zak and headed home for a quick lunch before heading to my rescheduled chiropractor appointment. I felt so good after my adjustment!
We picked up AJ and he was so excited that his new Yu Gi Oh cards came from Amazon, nearly a week earlier than expected. The boys played for like three hours while I cooked dinner, cleaned up and got ready to head to Brain Balance. I had a progress conference while AJ was in his therapy. He is doing great and he improved on nearly every area in the past 4 weeks!! He still has some work to do so they are recommending another 3 months there. We think it is worth it so we'll be investing in that in a few weeks.
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