Sunday, November 20, 2016

Keeping Up With...Family (Weekly Wrap 11/11 - 11/17)

Friday (11/11) was Veteran's Day so Adrian was off from work.  AJ was still not feeling well so even though he really wanted to go, he missed school.  They had Veteran's Day assemblies at school and both AJ and Daniel were singing in them.  Daniel and his class did a great job, I'm so thankful his teacher takes videos & shares them with the parents!  AJ was bummed to miss his performance but it was for the best.  Daniel also had a popcorn party at school sponsored by the PTO.  He had a very "Fun Friday" this week!

I was able to spend most of the day on my own, which was much needed after the week.  I taught my morning Zumba class then went out to lunch with one of my students.  She treated me to an awesome lunch as an early Christmas present.  It was so sweet and so much appreciated!  Then I went and did some grocery shopping since I was barely able to leave the house on Weds or Thurs.  I finally checked out the new store Fresh Thyme in Gahanna and I loved it!  I will be going there often.  I ran a few other errands then picked up BOGO free Starbucks peppermint mochas for me and Adrian and came home to enjoy some Pizza Hut pizza from my SIL.  She treated us to dinner, pizza, bread sticks, wings and a brownie.

Finally the night ended with Adrian, AJ and Daniel going to the Boy Scout flag retirement ceremony.  AJ was feeling well enough to go to this.  They listened to a brief presentation about the flag and what it means and what to do with it when it needs to be retired.  Then they were able to burn a few flags.  They all said it was a great experience!  They were supposed to camp overnight but since AJ was sick we opted out of that.  Zak and I stayed home and played some video games together.  We didn't think he was mature enough to handle such a reverent ceremony.
 Saturday (11/12) we were up bright and early to compete in the annual Boy Scout Rain Gutter Regatta.  AJ and Daniel worked very hard on their boats this year and have been practicing their "blowing" to make them move.  Daniel had a rough first race and just lost to one of his buddies in his den.  He tried to make some adjustments but they didn't work out so he also lost his second race and was eliminated.  AJ also lost his first race, but then he came back to win three in a row and take 3rd place in his den.  He was very excited!  It was a fun morning for all of us!


After that we came home and started getting some work around the house done.  As you have been reading, we've been very busy and have been having a lot of fun.  But the house has really taken a back seat.  We are hoping to get everything caught up over the next two to three weeks.  The boys helped us a little, played video games and worked on some homework they had to get done this weekend.

Sunday (11/13) was the day of changing plans for us.  We were supposed to go to church as a family then come home and have dinner with my in-laws for my mother in-law's birthday.  But instead Adrian overslept, again, so he and Daniel didn't make church.  I took AJ and Zak to second service where I was volunteering in childcare.  Adrian took Daniel to a Boy Scout event where they learned about the woods, animals who live there, how to tie knots & how to put out a fire.  Plus they played on the play ground for a little bonding time.

And then my in-laws had to cancel because my father in-law wasn't feeling well.  AJ is also still recovering so we do not need to share any germs.  So we watched some football, got some stuff around the house done and got ready for another busy week. 

Monday (11/14) was back to business as usual around here.  AJ was finally back to school after being out sick for most of last week.  We had a bit of a rough start to our day, we seemed very out of practice on what we need to do each morning.  But they pulled it together in the afternoon and evening.  AJ and Adrian also had chiropractor appointments this afternoon, he said AJ was really tight, probably from laying around while sick.  I need to remember that next time he is sick so I can get him in earlier for an adjustment.  Finally, Zak was my little helper in the kitchen today.  We made scrambled eggs for lunch and Tex-Mex Turkey Soup for dinner.  He was very cute and very helpful!
Tuesday (11/15) was a normal day for us, school, work, Zumba and then Brain Balance for AJ.  We also had his third progress conference.  He is still improving in most areas although we have seen some of them level off.  We will keep watching those to see if they improve again and if not we will be tweaking the program to see if that can help make some changes.  Daniel also brought home one of his favorite school projects so far, his drawing of Frankenstein.
Wednesday (11/16) was another normal day.  I love normal days!  We were even early getting everyone to school.  It was very nice not to have to rush.  We were also very excited that we got to walk to school for pick up this afternoon.  The nice weather is holding on and we are enjoying every minute we can get outside!

Thursday (11/17) was another normal day for us, although we were not early getting to school.  We were very close to being late but we made it.  We again enjoyed the beautiful weather and walked home from school today.  AJ had Brain Balance in the evening and he leveled up on one of his exercises while Daniel and Zak enjoyed playing with the sticky blocks in the waiting room.

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