Friday (8/26) all three boys were back to school! I once again got everyone to school ontime, it hasn't been as bad as I thought it would be. I'm sure there will be days we struggle but for now I'm enjoying the ease we seem to be having. Since I teach late on Fri mornings, my friend picks up Zak & her son and they have a short play date on Fridays (and she and I get to catch up!) In the evening the boys had their last baseball practice before their first game which was crazy hot! But they didn't complain at all, only us moms sitting, watching & sweating complained.
We ended the day with Adrian & I going downtown to see "Wicked" again. The boys were thrilled to see their sitters again since it had been a while, possibly all summer! And Adrian & I had a great night out. We've seen the show before but it is worth seeing again (and again and again). Live theater is such an amazing thing. Even though I was exhausted & still sweaty from baseball practice, I was transported to their world for 3 magical hours. I love Broadway shows & am so thankful we have so many come through Columbus!
Saturday (8/27) was AJ and Daniel's first baseball games of the season. They will be playing double headers for the next four Saturdays. It was a hot one today but they managed to win both games, 7-3 and 12-4. AJ got a bunch of hits in both games and scored 2 runs. Daniel made contact and fouled a bunch of balls off, now he just needs to work on straightening his swing out. They went straight from baseball to their friends' house to play. Since it was so hot, Zak enjoyed some extra time inside watching video games and playing board games.
Sunday (8/28) was another busier than we like Sunday. I volunteered at church then had a volunteer meeting after that. Adrian took the 3 boys to swimming lessons. We all didn't get back until around 2:00. The rest of the day we spent trying to get stuff done around the house and get ready for the week. We all did sleep in this morning which was fantastic! And we ordered Jets pizza to celebrate a good start to our school year.
Monday (8/29) was back to the grind. I got everyone to school on time again, yay! I know this may seem mundane, but I have to drop Zak off to preschool by 8:45 and then the older boys to school by 8:50. I'm impressed I'm able to get them all there on time! After school Zak and I headed over to his friend's house so he could play and I could help with some PTO stuff. Then we picked up AJ & Daniel and headed to the chiropractor and for hair cuts. It was a full day!!
Tuesday (8/30) started rough because Adrian stayed home to have our cable hooked back up. Zak would not leave for school because he wanted to "be with Daddy." It was a nightmare. But I successfully got him to school (on time) and was free to go about my morning. The funny part of the story is we still don't have cable. Because Time Warner could not deliver what they said they could for the price they quoted us. So we're still a no cable family. The rest of the day I just felt off all day, probably because it was such a rough morning. And I'm still struggling to find my groove since getting back from vacation nearly a month ago.
Wednesday (8/31) I was able to go into school to volunteer and help with picture day. It was so cute to see all the kindergarteners taking their pictures. The only downside was the fire drill, right before I needed to leave for preschool pickup! Thankfully it all worked out I was able to get to pick up on time. Daniel had his picture day today and said that even though it was after lunch and he had pizza sauce on his shorts, his picture will look nice because his shorts aren't in the picture. Other than that, it was a typical day. The boys were supposed to have baseball but it got rained out so we got some bonus relaxing time at home.
Thursday (9/1) was another typical day here at the Jones house. It was AJ's picture day and he was ready to smile nice for the camera. We also had a progress meeting at Brain Balance Centers for AJ and they said he is progressing along nicely. He has made progress in all areas so we are supposed to keep doing what we are doing.
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