Sunday, July 17, 2016

Keeping Up With...Food (Menu Plan 7/18 - 7/24)

The past week has been super busy!  And we're not slowing down anytime soon.  Before I know it, we'll be starting with school and fall sports schedules.  I already signed the boys up for fall swimming lessons and my next item on my to do list is to sign them up for fall baseball.  My crockpot better be ready to go so I can keep up!

The last week I did a ton of home made cooking with all of the vegetables from our CSA.  I forgot to take pictures of most of it but I made homemade pesto sauce with spinach and basil, breakfast hash with Swiss Chard and purple potatoes and this delicious Hummus Crusted Chicken and Carrots with Cranberries that I managed to take a picture of before I devoured it.  The hummus is also homemade with beets and garlic scapes from the CSA.
I did get a little off our meal plan at the end of the week because I was exhausted most of the week.  I didn't sleep well for most of the week, not sure exactly what's going on.  I know some of it is because Daniel isn't sleeping well so he comes in during the night when he has bad dreams.  I got a great night of sleep last night and feel like a new person.  Hoping this continues for the week!!

Here's what we're eating this week (with some carry over from last week):
Monday - Shrimp with Gnocchi - I'll be adding either kale or chard to this dish (from last week)
Tuesday - Taco Tuesday
Wednesday - Slow Cooker Chili with a salad (from last week)

Thursday - Slow Cooker Pork Stew with Broccoli Salad
Friday - Date Night!  Going out for dinner
Saturday - Spicy Peanut Noodles - I'll use chard for this dish as I barely have any kale left
Sunday - Pasta with the pesto sauce I made last week (I froze it so I can pull it out as needed)

Water Flavor - Mango.  Yum.

Meal Prep - Not much this weekend, most of the weekend honestly got away from me.  I do have the food shopping done for most of the meals and I have snacks ready for the week.  I cut up the melons I bought last week and also have a bunch of cherries portioned out since they were on sale.  That's about all I did to prep.

As always, I'm linking up with Laura at Mommy, Run Fast.  Go check out the other blogs on the link up for some more yummy recipes!  This will be my last week menu planning for a few weeks.  Next week we'll be having leftovers and clearing out our fridge before vacation.  Then we'll be on vacation for a week.  I hope to be back the second week in Aug with a menu plan to get back to healthy eating after an awesome week of vacation food.  Have a great week!!


  1. The shrimp with gnocchi sounds awesome! Enjoy your vacation!

  2. Have a great vacation! I haven't been using the crock pot as much as I thought I would this summer. I need to pull it out this week!
