Sunday, September 27, 2015

Keeping Up With...Food (Menu Plan 9/28 - 10/4)

Every week seems to get busier and busier.  This week is no exception with book fair going on at one of the boys' schools and us heading out of town this weekend for a quick camping trip.  And ironically this is our last "light" week before hockey starts up next week.

I did pretty well sticking to my plan last week.  I missed one day so there is one carryover meal to this week.  On busy nights I cook the meal for my lunch then Adrian just has to heat it up for him and the boys for dinner.  Then I can have leftovers or a nice big salad.  It's been working pretty well for us.

This week is a light week, not doing much cooking and away for part of the week.  But here's what we are eating this week:
Monday - Pork Burgers with kale chips
Tuesday - Taco Tuesday
Wednesday - Butternut & Apple Harvest Soup with Caesar salads
Thursday - Leftovers or a freezer meal
Friday - Camping
Saturday - Camping
Sunday - We will probably pick something up on our way home, or just throw together some leftovers

I'm also helping out to feed the teachers at both boys' schools for parent teacher conferences.  I am making cookies for AJ's school on Tuesday, I think peanut butter.  And since I'm baking anyway, I picked up ghost sugar cookies that I'll bake up for us to bring camping.  Then on Thursday I'm making beer bread for Daniel's school.  I also ordered one package of the gluten free beer bread to accommodate those teachers. 

Water Flavor - Last week I wasn't sure what I had so I didn't know what I would set up.  I ended up doing pear infuser water.  It was delicious!!  Another favorite for sure.  This week I'm doing my absolute favorite flavor, mango
As always, I'm linking up with Laura at Mommy, Run Fast & Jill at Fitness, Health and Happiness.  Go check them out for some more yummy recipes!  Have a great week!!


  1. This time of year always gets so crazy! Enjoy your last 'lighter' week... camping sounds fun, too!

  2. Sounds like a bustling start to the school year. Way to stay on track!

    1. Thanks!! It's the only way to avoid eating out every night.
