Sunday, August 17, 2014

Keeping Up With...Food (Menu Plan 8/17 - 8/25)

We are busy getting the boys ready to go back to school this week so this is going to be short and sweet.  Meal planning will be essential to our survival as our fall calendar picks up.  We have a 2nd grader and a kindergartener and all the homework that comes along with that.  Plus Zak is playing soccer, Daniel is bowling and taking art lessons, and AJ is playing league hockey and bowling.  And all three boys will continue swim lessons.  And Adrian and I are both working.  Yikes!

The next few weeks are a little lighter schedule wise though so I'm going to enjoy it.  This menu plan is for a little over a week and it will be my last one for 3 weeks because we are going on vacation again.  After Monday, next week will be leftovers, clean out the fridge and freezer meals if needed.  Speaking of freezer meals, I had my workshop yesterday and I LOVED it!  I made 14 meals (plus more because at least 3 of those meals will yield lots of leftovers) in around 3 hours (one hour prep before, 2 hours at the workshop).  I'll talk more about it after I actually eat some of the meals, but here is what's in my freezer right now:
Here's what we're eating this week:
Monday, 8/18 -  Cajun Shrimp Casserole
Tuesday, 8/19 - Taco Tuesday!
Wednesday, 8/20 - Chicken with Creamed Corn (Relish recipe)
Thursday, 8/21 - Spicy Chicken Peanut Wraps (Relish recipe)
Friday, 8/22 - Baked Chicken, Rice & Black Beans (Relish recipe)
Saturday, 8/23 - Sausage Burrito Wraps (Relish recipe)

Sunday, 8/24 - Homemade pizza!
Monday, 8/25 - Honey Pecan Chicken (Relish recipe)

As always, I'm linking up with Laura at Mommy, Run Fast & Jill at Fitness, Health and Happiness.  Go check them out for some more yummy recipes!


  1. I am jealous of all those freezer meals, and in such a short amount of time- awesome. Have a great time on vacation!

  2. I'm jealous of the freezer meals too, especially since we have a super tiny freezer, can't wait til we have a regular one so I can batch cook too!
    I like your menu, especially fridays option, I will definitely be saving it!

    [Stopping over via the link up!]
